Wednesday 6 July 2022

三星堆: 開啓中华文明之門-范勇 2021

 Sanxingdui  三星堆: 開啓中华文明之門-范勇 2021

Sanxingdui (Chinese三星堆pinyinSānxīngduīlit. 'Three Star Mound') is an archaeological site and a major Bronze Ageculture in modern GuanghanSichuan, China. 












1929年春天,广汉南兴镇 月亮湾农民燕道诚祖孙三人在离家不远的马牧河北岸的地方淘沟车水灌田。清理水沟时,锄头碰到石头,三人不经意地掀起一块圆形白石环,却发现了一坑玉石器。

























1986年於三星堆遺址二號祭祀坑出土重約180公斤青銅大立人像, 人像高1.8米、通高2.62米,是距今已有3000多年的歷史的青銅器。現存三星堆博物館





Tuesday 14 September 2021

Man’s Higher Consciousness,Longevity, Food and Breatharian

 Man’s Higher ConsciousnessLongevity, Food and Breatharian

Summary : Professor Hilton Hotema considered that we could all live longer by promoting the body's functions with simple requirements of breathing fresh air, banning any cooked food, understand better the cosmos to human life, and by gradually lessening the amount of food consumed. Literature shows  that humans live over 120 years is practical in human history, with balanced diet, and discipline exercises. Despite the unknown accuracy and proportions of dietary needs, Man’s Higher Consciousness would be raised with better practice of breathing and sensible diet. 

I was surprised to see that humans know so little of our body and it’s functioning correctly. We are lost in this modern age to live with our body properly and need to know Ageing properly. 

The book “ Man’s Higher Consciousness “ was first published in 1962, Professor Hilton Hotema provides his insights into how we could all live longer by learning the body's simple requirements of breathing fresh air, avoiding animal flesh, banning any cooked food, and by gradually lessening the amount of food consumed. 

Hotema believed that breathing fresh air and consuming organic fruits and natural organic liquids alone could extend our lives and also lays bare his secret that what kills at an early age is not the illusion of time, but rather overeating, breathing in toxic, unclean air, and elements such as electronic radiation, dirty electricity and medications.

Hilton Hotema was born in Massachusetts on 1878,  he claimed to have become a vegan at age 9 after reading a book in school, and grew up to become a rather well-known writer and researcher on alternative health and spirituality.

The Book recorded a number of persons who lived over 120 years. 

The press of June 13th , 1922 , reported that Peter Nedall , of Bulgaria , ħad just celebrated his 124th birthday . He worked in the field and generally ate beans and milk.

James Edward Monroe  claimed to be the son of the 5th President of the United States & to have been born on the 4th ofm July in 1815 in Ashland, VA , died on 28 Jun 1949 (aged 133–134) .

Zaro Aga was a Kurdish man who claimed to be one of the longest-living persons ever. He claimed birth in 1764, and died on 29 June 1934[1] in IstanbulTurkey. He was allegedly aged 170 when he died. However, an investigative report published by Walter Bowerman in 1939 indicated otherwise.

Janos Roven and his wife Sara were born in the little village of Stradova, Comitat , Casanseber, Banat of Temesvar , Hungary: and they both died there-Janos being 172 years old and Sara 164. The aged couple attracted considerable attention during the later years of the wedlock, and the Dutch envoy in Vienna visited them and had their pictures painted.

Janos Roven and his wife , Sarah , were married 147 years . They died in 1925 , almost on the same day . They left a son 116.

Thomas  Carn of 1588 - in the register of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, where it is recorded that he died in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, aged 207. He was born in 1381, in the reign of Richard II., lived in the reigns of ten sovereigns, and died in 1588.

It is said that the records of St. Leonhard's Church , London , Thomas Carn was born January 25th , 1588 , and died in 1795 at the age of 207.

Thomas Parr died in 1635, was an Englishman who was said to have lived for 152 years. He lived through the reigns of ten monarchs and was buried in Westminster Abbey by order of King Charles I. He kept a  diet of green cheese, onions, coarse bread, buttermilk or mild ale (cider on special occasions) and no smoking. His recipe for long life was reputed to be: Rise early, go soon to bed, and keep eyes open and mouth shut.

Henry Jenkins (buried on 9 December 1670 in Bolton-on-SwaleNorth Riding of Yorkshire) was an English supercentenarian  , said to have been 169 years old at his death. He claimed to have been born in 1501.

 Chinese man lived 256 YEARS , which was published by The St. Louis Post - Dispatch of June 11 , 1933 ,the account was written by Keith Kerman " of the Post. 

Obituaries published in "Time" and "New York Times" in 1933, Li Qingyun died at the age of 256.

His true date of birth has never been determined. His claims are considered to be a myth by gerontologists. Li Ching-Yuen spent most of his life in the mountains and was skilled in Qigong He worked as a herbalist, and lived off a diet of these herbs and rice wine

One of Li's disciples said  when 130 years old , Master Li encountered in the mountains an older hermit, over 500 years old, who taught him Baguazhang and a set of Qigong with breathing instructions, movements training coordinated with specific sounds, and dietary recommendations.

The longevity of the biblical patriarchs noted  that the dietary law laid down in Genesis 1:29 - herbs and fruits.  It was said that the Bible Code contains, in code, the seed-bearing plants which existed in the Garden of Eden. The seven seed-bearing plants embedded in this verse are: barleygreen, wheat (grass), vine (grapes), dates, olives, figs, and pomegranates. The three food classes are there. (The Bible Code by Dr. Jeffry Satinover.)

It was said Plutarch, the Greek biographer, observed: “The ancient Greeks, before the time of Lycurgus, ate nothing but fruits. The ancient Britons, according to Plutarch, only began to grow old at 210. Their food consisted almost exclusively of acorns, berries, and water. The ancient Greeks of the pre-heroic age lived on oranges and olives.

The Bulgarians  often reach ages exceeding 105 and even up to 125. Their simple diet consists of fruits (sugar, vegetables (chlorophyll), and sour milk or buttermilk (fat). They are a thin people typically weighing between 122 and 130 pounds (56 and 59 kilograms). This again showed the truth that the less weight you carry the longer you live - we have yet to discover an obese centenarian.

Centenarians now has  emerged as a significant age group. Nutrition and hygiene have been major factors in the increasing longevity. 

While the number of aged humans, and the life expectancy, tended to increase since the 14th century , some early pioneers, such as Michel Eugène Chevreul, who himself lived to be 102, believed that aging itself should be a science to be studied. Élie Metchnikoff coined the term "gerontology" in 1903.

It was reported that “Husband and wife Akahi Ricardo and Camila Castello believe that food and water aren’t necessary and humans can be sustained solely by the energy of the universe.

Castello and Ricardo — who have a 5-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter together — have survived on little else besides a piece of fruit or vegetable broth just three times per week since 2008.”

The ‘Breatharian’ couple survives on ‘the universe’s energy’ instead of food, reported by Lauren Windle, in the New York Post In  June 15, 2017 . 

Researchers have said  that eating fruits and veggies is the safest and healthiest way to combat dull complexions and fine lines.

Breatharians  claim that it’s possible to exist more or less without food and instead feed on cosmic energy.

Some say Breatharians are frauds, but there are also those who think their claims are genuine. 

Wednesday 25 August 2021

《人本食气》(Man’s Higher Consciousness) Hilton Hotema and Jasmuheen

 《人本食气》(Man’s Higher Consciousness

有个叫希尔顿·赫马特[Hilton Hotema]的美国人,曾经写了本惊世骇俗的书《人本食气》(Man’s Higher Consciousness),此公钻研信仰领域和养生方法多年他说遠古時代,人類居住高處,純淨的空氣含臭氧及宇宙射 缐。人體吸收宇宙物質,身體充滿活力,長生長夀。他說人类对食物下意识的依赖是一种退化行为,因为人本来就是完全没必要吃喝的,而造成这一切的元凶是文明社会。












《人类遗失的神奇力量》(Man’s Miraculous Unused Powers),作者是用笔名肯恩·克拉蒙(Kenyon Klamonti)一九五二年即已出版 发表的。

地球已经存在了46亿年关于地球发展的历史,科学家推测在漫长的历史历史中,除了人类之外,还有其他文明。而且之前还有好几次物种大灭绝,玛雅人 的说法,地球总共存在五次文明,每一次文明的消失之时,都会上演一次恐怖的毁灭悲剧。这种毁灭将地球上的所有生灵尽数毁灭,之后再次重生。


第一次文明根达亚文明(Gandaia文明):有人说是 诺亚 的洪水,在根达亚文明中,所有的智慧生物差不多只有一米高,男人有三只眼,可以和自然沟通,第二次文明米索不达亚文明 Miso Buda文明),人们对于饮食非常感兴趣,又被称为饮食文明。但这次文明毁于 地球磁场 的急剧变化,太阳风携带的危险粒子长驱直入,地球上的生物面临灭顶之灾。第三次文明 穆里亚文明(Mulia文明)人类都传承了大自然带来的力量,他们同样拥有和大自然沟通的能力。最后穆里亚文明毁于地壳的剧烈运动,陆地板块被海水淹没,最终沉入海底。第四次文明 亚特兰蒂斯文明人们拥有着超高的智慧,过着无忧无虑的生活。然而亚特兰蒂斯的人民开始腐化堕落,最终惹得众神之王宙斯降临亚特兰蒂斯,让一场地震洪水将亚特兰蒂彻底淹没,彻底消失在茫茫大海之中。第五次文明:就是如今的人类社会了,第五次文明的灭绝时间根据玛雅人的语言将在201221日,然而我们早过了那个时间。我们这个文明最终将在什么时候灭绝,以什么样的方式灭绝?






活到老又活得好!全球5大長壽區百歲人瑞祕密 - 康健雜誌


在赫特玛另外一本书《个人力量的古代秘密》(Ancient Secret of Personal Power)中,他这样写道:现在,无线电及电视机接收宇宙讯号,并把全世界的信息及画面送到人面前。那么,人,这个聪明的上帝复制品,已经认为这没什么大不了的。其实数百万年以来,上帝,伟大的始祖,已经制作了接收宇宙讯号的工具,并且覆盖整个地球。



我们经常引用亚历克西·卡雷尔(Alexis Carrel)书中珍贵的语句。那书就是《人,未解之谜》(Man, The Unknown),第十六版,一九三五年版权所有。卡雷尔和拉霍夫斯基(Lakhovsky)是二十世纪研究生命和生存方面最


国际食气生命科学家——波兰人魏鼎(Joachim MWerdin),他亲身实证持续两年食光食气的历程,用自己的身体做了一百多项实验,亲身体验身体的各种疾病状态,然后再度让自己身体去转换状态,让疗愈发生,他多年来一直义务的透过电子邮件与通讯软件,接受各种关于禁食及灵修的咨询。









光与爱 &生命创造物的显化












【特邀翻译】黄晓红教授 - 茹素灵修多年,曾任教【北京第二外国语学院】【厦门大学】,也是【魏鼎看辟谷断食】【原来,我还可以这样活】书籍翻译者白蓝的老师)

Jasmuheen 洁丝慕音)她是科学家眼中的食气者,她的生命绽放了耀眼的光芒!



洁丝慕音( Jasmuheen )出生于1957年於澳洲的新南威爾斯,雙親是戰後的挪威移民。目前是一位住在澳洲的演说家兼作家, 她经由灵修已经达到不需依靠实体食物维生的境界,自1993年起,她开始成为「食气者」。 是著名的「食气者」之一。

  洁丝慕音说,她以「普拉那」(Prana) 维生,这与「断食」不同,她形容「普拉那」为神圣的爱流(Divine love flow) ,「普拉那」在吠陀哲学里,意指流遍宇宙之维持生命的能量。


《天赐养分:神的食物》Divine Nutrition: God Food 
《以光维生》Living on Light 
《普拉那计划:有效和喜悦的进化》 The Prana Program: Effective and Enjoyable Evolution

Sunday 15 November 2020

“Who is Man ?” AJ Heschel (1907-1972)


“We know what he makes, but we do not know what he is or what to expect of him. “ Heschel  awakened man’s spiritual dimension and it’s underlying anxiety that he calls “the need to be needed” and that something is asked of man and that he is not a mere bystander in the cosmos.

Heschel ultimately submitted to God and God needs man for the attainment of his ends in the world.

Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) was a Polish-born American rabbi and one of the leading theologians and philosophers of the 20th century; he also participated in the civil rights movement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (such as the march on Selma), and against the Vietnam War

Heschel persuaded the Catholic Church to eliminate or modify passages in its liturgy that demeaned the Jews, or referred to an expected conversion to Christianity. His theological works argued that religious experience is a fundamentally human impulse, not just a Jewish one. He believed that no religious community could claim a monopoly on religious truth. For these and other reasons, Martin Luther King Jr. called Heschel "a truly great prophet."  Heschel actively participated in the Civil Rights movement, and was a participant in the third Selma, Alabama to Montgomery march, accompanying Dr. King and John Lewis on 25 March 1965. 

“Who is Man? (1965)

In these three lectures, originally delivered in somewhat different form as The Raymond Fred West Memorial Lectures at Stanford University in May 1963, Dr. Heschel inquired into the logic of being human: What is meant by being human? What are the grounds on which to justify a human being’s claim to being human? 

In the author’s words, “We have never been as openmouthed and inquisitive, never as astonished and embarrassed at our ignorance about man. We know what he makes, but we do not know what he is or what to expect of him.  Is it not conceivable that our entire civilization is built upon a misinterpretation of man? Or that the tragedy of man is due to the fact that he is a being who has forgotten the question: Who is Man? 

The failure to identify himself, to know what is authentic human existence, leads him to assume a false identity, to pretend to be what he is unable to be or to not accepting what is at the very root of his being. Ignorance about man is not lack of knowledge, but false knowledge.”

One of the world’s most illustrious and influential theologians here confronts one of the crucial philosophical and religious questions of our time: the nature and role of man.

Abraham Joshua Heschel - Wikipedia

"Animals are content when their needs are satisfied; man insists not only on being satisfied but also on being able to satisfy, on being a need not simply on having needs. Personal needs come and go, but one anxiety remains: Am I needed? There is no human being who has not been moved by that anxiety."(p.57)

This is a book on philosophical ideas which attempts to answer the age old question of Who Man Is?

Some of the topics that are dealt within the book : To think of man in human terms; Do we live what we are? ; Self-knowledge as part of our being human; The self as a problem; The logic of being human; The dimension of meaning; The essence of being human.

From the  book there are quite a few things to learn and apply in real life :;

"It is a fatal illusion to assume that to be human is a fact given with human being rather than a goal and an achievement. To animals the world is what it is; to man this is a world in the making, and being human means being on the way, striving, waiting, hoping." (P. 41)

Knowledge and reciprocity

"Knowledge is a debt, not a private property. To be a person is to reciprocate, to offer in return what one receives." (P. 46)

Man’s Unique Need to be Needed

"Animals are content when their needs are satisfied; man insists not only on being satisfied but also on being able to satisfy, on being a need not simply on having needs. Personal needs come and go, but one anxiety remains: Am I needed? There is no human being who has not been moved by that anxiety." (P. 57)

Man's complexity

"There are alleys in the soul where man walks alone, ways that do not lead to society, a world of privacy that shrinks from the public eye. Life comprises not only arable, productive land, but also mountains of dreams, an underground of sorrow, towers of yearning ... " (P. 59)

The Task of Mankind

"It is only despair that claims: the task of man is to let the world be. It is self-deception to assume that man can ever be an innocent spectator. To be human is to be involved, nolens volens, to act and to react, to wonder and to respond. For man, to be is to play a part in a cosmic drama, knowingly or unknowingly." (P. 68)

Two Ways

"There are two primary ways in which man relates himself to the world that surrounds him: manipulation and appreciation. In the first way he sees in what surrounds him things to be handled, forces to be managed, objects to be put to use. In the second way he sees in what surrounds him things to be acknowledged, understood, valued or admired. It is the hand that creates the tools for the purpose of manipulation, and it is the ear and the eye by which we attain appreciation. (p. 82)

Fellowship depends upon appreciation, while manipulation is the cause of alienation: objects and I apart, things stand dead, and I am alone. What is more decisive: a life of manipulation distorts the image of the world. Reality is equated with availability: what I can manipulate is, what I cannot manipulate is not. A life of manipulation is the death of transcendence. (p. 82)

Two Versions of Man

To the Greek mind, man is above all a rational being; rationality makes him compatible with the cosmos. To the biblical mind, man is above all a commanded being, a being of whom demands may be made. The central problem is not: What is being? but rather: What is required of me? 

Greek philosophy began in a world without a supreme, living, one God. It could not accept the gods or the example of their conduct. Plato had to break with the gods and to ask: What is the good? And the problem of values was born. And it was the idea of values that took the place of God. Plato lets Socrates ask: What is good? Yet Moses' question was: What does God require of thee? (p. 107)

Failure to understand what is demanded of us is the source of anxiety. The acceptance of our existential debt is the prerequisite for sanity. The world was not made by man. The earth is the Lord's not a derelict. What we own, we owe. "How shall I ever repay to the Lord all his bounties to me!" (Psalm 116:12) (p. 112)


“We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers.

“Man cannot see God, but man can be seen by God. He is not the object of a discovery but the subject of revelation.”

“Never once in my life did I ask God for success or wisdom or power or fame. I asked for wonder, and he gave it to me.”

—Abraham Joshua Heschel

Racism as the root of poverty

“Racism is Satanism.” It was this conviction that launched Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a religious Jew from a Hasidic family in Poland, into the American civil rights movement.

He appears beside Martin Luther King Jr. in several of the most iconic photographs of that time: crossing Edmund Pettus Bridge arm in arm in March 1965; and standing together outside Arlington Cemetery in silent protest of the Vietnam War in 1968.

The two came from very different backgrounds – King had grown up in Atlanta, Georgia, while Heschel arrived in the United States as a refugee from Hitler’s Europe in March of 1940 – “a brand plucked from the fire,” as he wrote. Yet the two found an intimacy that transcended the growing public rift between their two communities. Heschel brought King and his message to a wide Jewish audience, and King made Heschel a central figure in the struggle for civil rights. Often lecturing together, they both spoke about racism as the root of poverty and its role in the war in Vietnam; both also spoke about Zionism and about the struggles of Jews in the Soviet Union. The concern that they shared was “saving the soul of America.”

By the time Heschel and King met, the nation was tense: the Birmingham campaign was underway in the first months of 1963, and on June 11, 1963, George Wallace, governor of Alabama, attempted to block the enrollment of Vivian Malone and James Hood at the University of Alabama; federal troops forced him to step aside. That night, President Kennedy delivered a major televised speech, promising legislation and calling civil rights a “moral issue.” The next day, Medgar Evers, field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi, was murdered.

The March on Washington took place in August 1963, with more than two hundred thousand people participating.