Thursday, 24 December 2015

Cancer Treatments at 2015

There are numerous discussions on treatments of cancer and tumour ,  the effectiveness and survival ratings,  chemo therapy treatments,  and other  alternative therapy  like the practice of Natural Healing,  are practical topics amongst us worldwide.  Despite being a layman in medicine,  we should have a duty to know the whole  truth and find the right doctor  as this is a matter of  life and death. 

Some  suggests that  Study shows Chemo is only 2.1% effective toward 5 year survival  and declined  against Electrotherapy and chemotherapy on cancer.

 Professor  PC Leung considered that  Exercises involving stretching and control breathing are among the most important measures for the maintenance of health and natural healing, according to the ancient Chinese Classic on Medicine. 

As  to Dr. Jeremy Henson, Cancer is a leading cause of death in Australia accounting for 3 in every 10 deaths and claiming the lives of more Australian children than any other disease. Cancer cells have activated an immortality mechanism that allows them, and the tumour, to keep growing forever. Normal cells don't have these immortality mechanisms; they simply get old.  The current treatments do not work for many cancer patients and have long lasting side-effects in survivors. Jeremy is "Finding a way of doing in cancer patients that could provide a low-side-effect therapy to treat the disease.”  

It is also said that Cancer is a disease of the immune system and inappropriate treatments and unhealthy way of living may weaken immunity.  

[1]  Ping-Chung Leung, Natural Healing in Chinese Medicine:  Qi Gong and Tai Chi, Institute of Chinese Medicine, The  Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011
 The basic question is “Should I practice Qi Gong or Tai Chi?”[1]
The popularity is clear. The popularity is historically and culturally linked. The practice requires little cost. The practice can be easily verified at different levels of personal practice. But if one considers that scientific proof is of paramount importance, what we are clear today, remains scanty, non-specific, and partial.
 Meditation is another essential component in the pursuit of health.
Natural Healing is strongly linked to the philosophy of Taoism. Natural Healing for Traditional Chinese Medicine compiles the three components of physical, physiological and psychosocial harmony which are all interlinked. The ancient healers, through so many years of practice, have worked out varieties of means to help boostering the state of harmony.
Indeed, Natural Healing in Chinese Medicine exists as a complete system with a strong philosophical basis, involves careful professional, i.e. medical conceptualization, defines complicated methodologies of practice, and in recent years, commands organized social networks for its promotion (Wang, 2007; Lic, 2003).

Respiration is controlled which include extra-long inspiration or extra-long expiration. Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing and the pelvic diaphragm and anal sphincters are also squeezed at will.  Intentional controlled breathing  is making use of the somatic nervous activity to initiate stimulation on the autonomic nervous system, which has wide connections with the internal organs and therefore opens up new channels of communication with the internal organs under rational intension that the practice pushes the qi through the internal organs to help building a state of physiological harmony.
In 2004, the Beijing Sport University conducted a clinical study on the effects of Qi Gong on the physical ability of a group of people aged from 50 to 70. This is a clear indication that the ability of the heart among this group of middle age and older age people to adapt to higher demand of physical activities improved with the Qi Gong. Respiratory function also improved after the period of training (Tsang and Chow, 2005).
Like Qi Gong, Tai Chi is believed to have preventive function against infection and other pathological changes. Investigating immunology related changes should throw light on the assumption. The interleukins (IL’s) are a group of cytokines created by mononuclear cells regulating cellular activities. IL2 is probably the most important member which controls the survival of T cells, NK cells and B cells, and is actively involved in anti-cancer activities.
As to Dr. Jeremy Henson, Cancer is a leading cause of death in Australia, accounting for 3 in every 10 deaths and claiming the lives of more Australian children than any other disease. Cancer cells have activated an immortality mechanism that allows them ,and the tumour, to keep growing forever. Normal cells don't have these immortality mechanisms; they simply get old.  The current treatments do not work for many cancer patients and have long lasting side-effects in survivors. Jeremy is "Finding a way of doing in cancer patients that could provide a low-side-effect therapy to treat the disease.”  [2]At the heart of Jeremy’s field of interest is alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), one of two mechanisms which cancers rely on to keep growing indefinitely. These mechanisms are active in cancer cells but not in normal human cells, so inhibiting them can kill cancer cells without harming the regular ones. Ultimately, he would like a blood test for cancer that he’s developed to become a clinical test, which could benefit many patients, including those with lung cancer.
 Electrotherapy and chemotherapy
Case: Here’s what I did. I had surgery to remove the tumour first.
I did not have chemo or radiation before the surgery.
During the surgery the doctor discovered that the cancer had spread to my lymphnodes (Stage 3). After surgery the doctors recommended 9-12 months of chemotherapy.
I declined, which was not a popular decision. Most of my family thought I was crazy and it took several years and multiple cancer free reports before they came around.
I believe that in some cases surgery makes sense; to get as much cancer out as possible and give your body a jump start in dealing with whatever cancerous cells are left.
In other cases surgery can cause the cancer to spread. It’s a bit of a gamble…
Knowing what I know now, I probably would have postponed surgery,
pursued hardcore natural methods first and had the doctors monitor my progress closely.
If you’ve read my posts on chemotherapy then you know that my reasons to reject chemotherapy were: 
-It causes permanent damage throughout the body
-It destroys your immune system, which is the most critical component in getting well.
-It is a highly toxic carcinogen that can cause secondary cancers throughout the body.
-The reports of its effectiveness are grossly exaggerated.
A groundbreaking 14 year study was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in December 2004 called “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies”.
One very powerful approach is converting to the Raw Vegan Diet to alkalize, detox, and flood your body with the nutrients it needs to heal itself.
This consists of:
Giant Salads
Green Smoothies (giant salad blended up in a Vita-Mix)
Coconut Berry Smoothies
A blog about healing cancer with nutrition and natural therapies by chemo-free survivor Chris Wark

Natural Healing in Chinese Medicine: Qi Gong and Tai Chi. Ping-Chung Leung .... P.C. Leung. Historically, spiritual ...

[1]  Ping-Chung Leung, Natural Healing in Chinese Medicine:  Qi Gong and Tai Chi, Institute of Chinese Medicine, The  Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011

 Henson ,J.D. et al. DNA C-circles are specific and quantifiable markers of  alternative -lengthening- of- telomeresactivity, Nature Biotechnology, V27,No.12, Dec 2009

Thursday, 10 December 2015






Best Regards

自然醫學(英語:Naturopathy,或Naturopathic Medicine),又稱自然療法,一種醫療體系,通常被歸類在替代醫學中。自然醫學採用把人體視為一個整體的觀點,他們相信人體存在生命力,有自癒的能力。自然醫學希望能利用自然界存在的物質和人的主觀能動性來預防和治療疾病,鼓勵人們或病患盡可能減少外科手術與服用化學藥物,使用自然、不具侵犯的治療方式,來改善病況、促進痊癒及保持健康。[來源請求]

話說有微生物之父之稱的Louis Pasteur 認為不同的疾病是因為感染不同的微生物所造成,所以窮他一生,致力於研究在面對感染的過程中如何消滅細菌。
Antoine Becamp則相信一個人會否生病,身體內的環境狀況比外在狀況更重要,更認為應該注重人類內部的免疫能力,以防止疾病發生。這兩位出色的醫生分別致力於細菌理論和自體防禦免疫理論的探討,醫學的路線也循不同途徑發展。

王永漢談自然療法 - 醫藥人健康雜誌



 由於在網上看見太多化療的禍害和後遺症,所以我並不贊成化療, 總括而言,它通過化學藥物來殺死所有細胞,包括癌細胞,和健康的細胞。



實行自然療法後4個月,幫媽媽檢查時,手測發現腫瘤縮小至5.5cm。在4個月前停止化療時,手測腫瘤有直徑達7cm, 在自然療法後4個月後的今天,癌症腫瘤縮小了1.5cm。我選擇不把寶貴的性命付諸於醫院及腫瘤科醫生。

原來,利用吃素等自然療法,不做化療,末期的癌症腫瘤會明顯縮小。化療不是解決癌症的唯一方法,好多時,癌症病患者並不是死於癌症,是死於其他因素。 (1) 嚇死 - 擔心病情,沒有積極的信念去扶持 (2) 餓死 - 化療化到不能進食,免疫力已經差,更吸收不到營養 (3) 毒死 - 化療化死健康細胞。雖然,化療也有成功例子,但既然自然療法同樣可以醫好癌症,為何要冒險選擇一個使病人辛苦而成本高的方法?


視飲水為每日工作,每天飲4-5升水 (灌水是非常重要!!)



救得一命得一命,希望幫到大家。感謝這段時間熱心幫忙的朋友.  08/12/2015


眼見癌症病人接受無效治療 前自然療法醫師放棄所學 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網