Friday, 24 March 2017

About Muslim today

As of 2015, Islam has 1.7 billion adherents, making up over 23.4% of the world population.

I am unfamiliar with the Muslim practices, although I agree that fasting would be helpful to the body. Now I start a desk study and try to learn some of the reality of Muslims.

About terrorism and ISIS which was sadly created by the Iraq and other  wars, I think millions of ordinary Muslim people would be in a completely different place and context and have zero connection with terrorism, like Christians countered the Lord’s Resistance Army , or extremists like Dylann Roof, Anders Breivik, and Timothy McVeigh in US, or the Port Arthur massacre of 1996 in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded in Australia. How can  a few hundred radicals represent 1.7 billion Muslims ?

It seems that in Islam, like Christians, there are many different messages and muslims take them to mean different things. Religious arguments are said to be common with each party quoting his or her own sura with commentary by different imams supporting one side or another.

How should we humans communicate with each other today ?


Muslims which are united in their belief in God and the Prophet Muhammad. It is said that they have widely differing views about many other aspects of their faith, including how important religion is to their lives, who counts as a Muslim and what practices are acceptable, according to a worldwide survey by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.

Sunni and Shiite Muslims have been at odds for almost the entirety of Islam's history,  the sectarian divide in the Muslim world is almost as old as the religion of Islam itself. The split occurred after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in the early 7th century. Abu Bakr ,a companion of Muhammad , His followers are now known as Sunni Muslims. The prophet’s son-in-law and cousin, Ali, should take on that leadership role while supporters of Ali are known as Shiite Muslims. It is said that the Shia were a movement - literally "Shiat Ali" or the "Party of Ali". They claimed that Ali was the rightful successor to the Prophet Muhammad as leader (imam) of the Muslim community following his death in 632.

Sunnis argue that the prophet chose Abu Bakr to lead prayers, however, Shiites claim that Muhammad, after his last pilgrimage stood before his companions and named Ali as the “spiritual guide and master of all believers,” , the BBC reports.

The great majority of the world's more than 1.5 billion Muslims are Sunnis - estimates suggest the figure is somewhere between 85% and 90%. In the Middle East, Sunnis make up 90% or more of the populations of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

 Most Shiite Muslims (between 68 percent to 80 percent, as of 2009) live in just four countries: Iran, India, Iraq and Pakistan. Shiite Muslims make up about 90 percent of the population of Iran. About one-fifth of the world’s Muslims live in a country where Islam is not the major religion.
Shia Muslims are in the majority in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan and, according to some estimates, Yemen. There are also large Shia communities in Afghanistan, India, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
BBC reported that in countries which have been governed by Sunnis, Shia tend to make up the poorest sections of society. They often see themselves as victims of discrimination and oppression. Sunni extremists frequently denounce Shia as heretics who should be killed.
Shiite Muslims often group those into three daily prayers and are also identifiable by the small tablet of clay (often from Karbala, the site of Hussein's death) used during prayer, which they rest their forehead on during prostration.
There are three main branches of Shia Islam today - the Zaidis, Ismailis and Ithna Asharis (Twelvers or Imamis).

In Syria, Iranian troops, Hezbollah fighters and Iranian-backed Shia militiamen have been helping the Shia-led government battle the Sunni-dominated opposition. Sunni jihadist groups, including Islamic State (IS), have meanwhile been targeting Shia and their places of worship in Syria and neighbouring Iraq.

Sunnis and Shia: Islam's ancient schism - BBC News

Throughout history Muslim cultures have been diverse ethically, linguistically and regionally. Other Muslim cultures have also emerged in countries throughout the world where Muslims constitute the minority segments of the population.

Indonesia declared independence in 1945, it became the second largest Muslim-majority nation in the world; following the separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1971, it emerged as the most populous Muslim country in the world. Today about 88% of Indonesia's 235 million people is Muslim. Indonesia is constitutionally a secular state (but the government officially recognises only six formal religions), with Islam being the dominant religion in the country.  Eventually, "Indonesia adopted a civil code instead of an Islamic one". In the New Order years (Suharto's presidency), there was an intensification of religious belief amongst Muslims. Under the Suharto regime, all Islamic parties were forced to unite under one government-supervised Islamic party, the Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (Party for Unity and Development or PPP).[7] With Suharto's resignation in 1998, "the structure that repressed religion and society collapsed".
Muslim Indonesians in urban areas are uncomfortable to see women wearing burqa/niqab. When Soekarno, Hatta, and other founding fathers of Indonesia were trying to decide the future of the country in mid-1940s, realized that there were native Christians and Hindus in Indonesia too, and they did not want an Indonesia to be a country where non-Muslims are perceived as second-class citizens. It seems that  Muslim Indonesians are also among the most tolerant Muslims in terms of accepting religious pluralism, with many not identify with, nor sympathize with the Sharia law.
Just on March 24, 2017, Indonesian police fired tear gas to disperse hard-line Muslims protesting against the construction of a Catholic church in a satellite city of the capital Jakarta.
Several hundred protesters from a group called Forum for Bekasi Muslim Friendship demonstrated in front of the Santa Clara church in Kaliabang.

Islam and violence
Mainstream Islamic law stipulates detailed regulations for the use of violence, including the use of violence within the family or household, the use of corporal or capital punishment, as well as how, when and against whom to wage war.

Muslims across the 39 countries and territories surveyed differ significantly in their levels of religious commitment, openness to multiple interpretations of their faith, and acceptance of various sects and movements.
Outside of the Middle East and North Africa, the distinction between Sunni and Shia appears to be of lesser consequence. In many of the countries surveyed in Central Asia, for instance, most Muslims do not identify with either branch of Islam, saying instead that they are “just a Muslim.” A similar pattern prevails in Southern and Eastern Europe, where pluralities or majorities in all countries identify as “just a Muslim.” In some of these countries, decades of communist rule may have made sectarian distinctions unfamiliar. But identification as “just a Muslim” is also prevalent in many countries without a communist legacy. For example, in Indonesia, which has the world’s largest Muslim population, 26% of Muslims describe themselves as Sunnis, compared with 56% who say they are “just a Muslim” and 13% who do not give a definite response.
The World’s Muslims: Unity and Diversity | Pew Research Center

Muslims and ISIS
A few hundred radicals can't represent 1.6 billion Muslims.
Some especially in western context , said the Muslims dissociate themselves from ISIS. They therefore argue that many of the practices of ISIS are completely un-Islamic, even anti-Islamic and cannot be justified by the legal traditions that have been developed over many centuries.
A  Muslim leader  in Cambridge said  ‘They’re just a bunch of Marxists.’ And  Ben Macintyre wrote  ‘ISIS owes more to the Kremlin than the Koran,’ and argued that ‘Stalin is the godfather of Islamic State.’
 However, It would be more accurate to say that ISIS has a lot to do with Islam, but is an extreme expression of one particular kind of Islamism. The rank and file of ISIS fighters from all over the world have joined the movement for a whole variety of motives—related to idealism and the search for identity, meaning and adventure—and probably have minimal understanding of Islam. But the leadership says so clearly that it is trying to imitate some of the practices of the first generation of Muslims during and immediately after the life of the Prophet. And in interpreting the Qur’an, they use the principle of abrogation, which enables them to say that later verses calling Muslims to wage war on unbelievers abrogate, or cancel out, earlier verses which call for patient endurance of opposition, as in a document by Abu Bakr Naji that comes out of ISIS called ‘The Management of Savagery’.  I think only other Muslims may explain why they believe ISIS is completely wrong in its interpretation and application of Islamic sources.

At the other extreme there are many Christians—who believe that ISIS is much nearer to the spirit and practice of early Islam than moderate Muslims of today. They point to particular verses in the Qur’an (e.g. about beheading, crucifixion and slavery) and passages in Hadith literature, the biographies of Muhammad and legal texts to show the connections between the brutalities of ISIS and early Islamic texts.
 Tim Winter of Cambridge said that Islamist interpretations generally ignore the consensus in the Islamic legal tradition which developed over many centuries and insist on going directly back to the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet. Winter believes that the legal traditions of the four main theological schools (the madhhabs) are like a telescope that enables us to see the stars clearly which has been ignored by the Islamists.

ISIS: Un-Islamic or True Islam? | Zwemer

The evidence also appears to debunk repeated claims by former PM Tony Blair that IS began in the Syrian civil war and not Iraq, positioning the brutal group’s rise clearly within Iraq’s borders.
The Chilcot findings were backed up by serving Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond. He told The Foreign Affairs Committee “many of the problems we see in Iraq today stem from that disastrous decision to dismantle the Iraqi army and embark on a program of de-Baathification.”
The documents show that by 2006 –  UK intelligence chiefs were increasingly concerned about the rise of Sunni jihadist resistance to the Western-backed regime of Shia President Nouri Al-Maliki.
A March 2007 JIC report" AQ-I will try to expand its sectarian campaign wherever it can, declared the establishment of the notional ‘Islamic State of Iraq’ (including Kirkuk).”

Chilcot: Intelligence reports confirm Iraq war created ISIS

There, they are one part of a horrendously complicated regional conflict involving multiple countries, ethnicities, and religious affiliations.
You do know there are major conflicts within Islam, right? Iran is a major Shia power, which makes it just as much an enemy and target for ISIL, who are Sunni extremists, as you and me. More so, in fact, because Iran is a major player in the fight. We may not trust their motives and their influence in Iraq, and they may only be doing just enough to let ISIL remain a credible threat because it helps legitimize Bashar’s actions in Syria, but you asked what Muslims are doing to counter ISIL. Well, Iran is Muslim, and they’re fighting ISIL.

To say isis are muslim is just like saying that he lords resistance army is christian or was jewish.

To liken christianity to islam, you could read this :
" 7When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come. 8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. -mark 13:7,8 "
and conclude that christianity.

But  you could read this and come to the opposite conclusion-
" 3Indeed, we live as human beings, but we do not wage war according to human standards; 4for the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments - corinthians 10:3,4"

islam is the same way, there are many different messages and muslims take them to mean different things. among religious muslims, religious arguments are common with each party quoting his or her own sura with commentary by different imams supporting one side or another.

Friday, 17 March 2017




八段錦是一種優秀的中國傳統保健氣功,網上很多介绍。它動作較簡單易行,功效顯著。 通過練習可以達到拉伸經筋、調理內臟、運動血脈的作用,進而達到延年益壽的效果。

当然是需要認真学习,多做(平均每天活動筋骨一小時以上)才有效的。每個動作做三組練習。 我和太太选用了癌症基金會 的视频來练习,
八段錦入門 - 完整練習 (12分鐘) - YouTube



a. 預備式之一自然站直,全身放鬆。
b. 預備式之二 :左腳開步,兩腳分開與肩同寬,微微屈膝,雙掌抱於腹前(好像自己正抱著一個大汽球於腹前),含胸拔背,呼吸自然(可想像自己正吸納天地林木之正氣),口齒輕閉,臉露微笑,心神寧靜,意守丹田(收納天地正氣於小腹丹田處).                                                
1. 雙手托天理三焦lZ自然站立,全身放鬆,兩腳仍是兩腿微屈,與肩同寬。

2. 左右開弓似射鵰.                             含胸拔背,馬步站立做到「三平」。「三平」,即小腿與地面垂直,大腿與小腿連成直角,身背又與大腿垂直,做到「三平」很難,年老與體虛的人,可根據自己的身體條件,適當站立即可,不可強求。
    * 站好後,左手虎口張開,食指上指,其它四指如握弓背狀,右手如拉弓弦,從胸前用暗勁左右拉開。左手向左一直伸展,同時目視左前方,如欲射大雕狀。左手完全伸展後,左右手依舊用暗勁一個伸,一個拉,左手向左再頂八次,然後自然鬆開、收回,同時全身放鬆,鬆一口氣。稍歇一會兒後,再換向右方做一遍,也頂八次。如此左右各做八遍。
    * 注意向左右用暗勁頂時,伸直的手臂不能彎曲或來回收縮,始終用的是暗勁,從外表上看不出來。

    * 全身放鬆,自然站立,兩腳分開與肩同寬。兩手手指自然分開,相向,從腹前開始,右手掌心向上,向上慢慢托舉;左手掌心向下,向下慢慢按壓。右手托到頭一側時,掌心自然向外翻轉,逐漸上舉如「托天」狀,手臂一直伸到不能再伸時,左手也下壓,中指尖自然指向前方,壓到不能再壓時,腰帶動上半身向左轉,轉到不能再轉時,兩手用暗勁一個向上舉,一個向下壓,同時兩眼用力瞧右腳跟。這樣舉、壓、瞧,一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八,連續做八次後,兩手鬆回,上半身也轉正,同時全身鬆一口氣。稍歇一會兒,再換過左手舉,右手壓。如此反覆左右側各做八遍。
    * 傳統上這兩段分開來做。我多年的實踐,證明這兩段合起來做,效果更好。做這兩段動作時,兩腿始終是站直的,不能稍打彎曲。腰也不能來回扭動,而是始終朝一個方向轉。
    * 自然站立,雙腳與肩同寬,雙手自然下垂,寧神調息,氣沉丹田。先做左手向上。兩手一前­一後提起,左手掌心向上至胸前;右手往後,手背貼向背脊凹位(命門穴),由兩手提起時­開始要一直吸氣,左手至胸前反轉再向上,盡量伸直掌心向天,指尖向右,腰身同時向右轉­,不要用腰胯遷就,盡量用頭向後180度望,吸氣至滿,呼氣還原原位,循環做八次,再­轉右手上舉身向右左轉,再做八次完成。
    * 功用:可以消除疲勞,健腦安神,防治肩頸酸痛。
    * 全身放鬆站立,兩腳分開,比肩略寬。以腰帶動上半身,如太極拳之「摟膝拗步」向右轉,同時右手向右劃,左手向右前方推,右腳、左腳以腳跟為圓心,自然外擺、內扣,兩腿自然曲成弓步。左手推到不能再推時,右手自然向下壓在體一側。接着左手再用暗勁向前推八次。再用太極拳之「摟膝拗步」法,左手從體前向左側劃,右手向左前方推,以腰帶動上半身亦向左側轉來,注意此時頭即上半身應儘量轉向左側,左腳、右腳自然外擺、內扣,這才是真正的「搖頭擺尾」。右手推到不能再推時,用暗勁向前再推八次。如此左右反覆,各做八次。
    * 有的傳授教人做這一節時,搖搖頭,擺擺屁股就完了,這不能達到真正「去心火」的目的。收功後,全身鬆一口氣,休息片刻,再進行下一個動作。
    * 全身自然站立,放鬆;兩腳分開與肩同寬。兩手用暗勁向後、向上、向前、向下連續慢慢劃弧,指尖伸向足前;
    * 手臂向下劃弧時,上半身帶同腰也一齊下劃。手伸到不能再伸時,依勢用暗勁向足前下壓八次,然後全身鬆開,恢復原站位,同時鬆一口氣,稍休息一會兒,再做下一遍動作。共做八遍。
    * 這一段運動中,兩腿始終是直的,不能打彎;兩臂也不能彎曲。有的人身子缺乏運動,比較僵硬,開始「攀」不到足,但鍛煉久了循序漸進,也可漸漸「攀」到足。
    * 有的人身子軟活,手能很容易地「攀」到足,此時可用兩手壓足前的地面,或手臂稍曲,以兩肘「攀足」,使兩腿與腰部有繃緊的感覺,即可達到鍛煉的效果。
    * 這一段還有兩個要領必須掌握,即「兩手攀足」時,頭頸必須完全放鬆,腦袋如垂瓜一般,兩手臂也要完全放鬆。下壓「攀足」時,不能上下屈伸,而是用暗勁依次向下壓。
    * 有人認為,這樣依法運動,不但能「固腎腰」,還能有效預防「腦猝中」,即腦血栓一類的疾病,因為這一套運動可使腦血管保持通暢,對健身強體大有益處。
    * 但老年人做這套運動時,儘可能慢一點,以身體感覺舒暢為度,慢慢達到要求的標準。也可在起床前,兩手指肚(不可用指甲)緊貼頭皮,從前到後梳頭50次,使血液通暢,再下床做這套運動,則更覺適宜了。
    * 馬步站立,含胸拔背,上身、大、小腿做到「三平」;兩手如卷餅式握拳,並以內勁緊貼腰間,拳心向上;兩目怒視前方;用暗勁將右拳慢慢衝出,拳心自然翻轉向下。
    * 衝到不能再沖時,手臂已直,依勢用暗勁再向前沖八次。然後全身鬆開站立,自然鬆一口氣。稍休息一會兒後,換為左手沖拳。如此左右各做八遍。
    * 如卷餅式握拳,也是暗勁,這樣拳才能攢得緊。不但「攢拳」要「怒目」,「兩手托天」、「左右開弓」、「單手舉」、「往後瞧」以及後面要解說的「搖頭擺尾」、「起踮」等,也要「怒目」。「怒目」,能提起全身精神,使一身精、氣、神貫足,也鍛煉了眼睛視力。戲劇大師如梅蘭芳他們的眼神,也都是經過了鍛煉的。「怒目」二字,不可忽視。
    * 全身放鬆站立,兩腳自然分開,與肩同寬。身體緩緩上引,腳跟自然離地,引到不能再引時,用兩腳尖支撐全身站立,直到不能支持時,腳跟緩緩着地,隨即鬆一口氣,如此共做八遍。
    * 此段過去作「背後七顛百病消」,用腳跟提起頓地,連做七次。這個方法不好,腳跟頓地容易使腦部受到震盪。我將「七顛」改為「起踮」,並改了運動的方式,如此才有益於健康。[原八段锦