Sunday 13 January 2019

Sir Robert Hart, 1st Baronet GCMG 赫德- 第一客卿

Sir Robert Hart, 1st Baronet GCMG (20 February 1835 – 20 September 1911) 赫德- 第一客卿

《风中客卿》第一集 大清海关第一人 | CCTV纪录


Sir Robert Hart, (20 February 1835 – 20 September 1911) was a British diplomat and official in the Qing Chinese government, serving as the second Inspector-General of China's Imperial Maritime Custom Service (IMCS) from 1863 to 1911. Beginning as a student interpreter in the consular service, he arrived in China at the age of 19 and resided there for 54 years, except for two short leaves in 1866 and 1874.[1]

Hart joined the Chinese  Customs in 1859, and 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of his formal appointment to the Inspector-Generalship. He was a Chinese civil servant, and never let the foreign nationals of his own staff forget this point, and he worked consistently to try and fashion structures and practices that would reduce the potential for tension between China and the foreign powers.  Hart’s reputation has varied over the years. In Anglophone historical writing in the 1950s-60s he was presented as fairly central to any understanding of China’s interaction with foreign power, but thereafter new scholarly trends explored different fields and approaches and he largely fell out of sight. In China, until relatively recently, he was viewed simply as an agent of foreign, principally British, imperialism.

Hart and his legacies, including his archive at Queens’ University Belfast Special Collections, its photographic records, can help furnish unique materials for understanding China’s modern history, its heritage, and social life and customs.,_1st_Baronet

Robert Hart | British Inter-University China Centre

The I. G. in Peking : letters of Robert Hart, Chinese Maritime Customs, 1868-1907 / edited by John King Fairbank, Katherine Frost Bruner, Elizabeth MacLeod Matheson

Hart was born in a little house in Ulster, Ireland. He was the eldest of 12 children of Henry Hart (1806–1875), In 1853, he gained his B.A. at the age of 18. He also won medals in Literature as well as in Logic and Metaphysics, and left with the distinction of being a Senior Scholar. He decided to study for a master's degree but in spring 1854 was instead nominated by Queen's College for the Consular Service in China.,_1st_Baronet

赫德,字鹭宾,英国贝尔法斯特人(实为阿马郡波特唐镇人)。1854年(咸丰四年)来到中国,担任英国驻宁波领事馆翻译官,后调往广州,又曾担任香港总督府秘书。1859年改任(满清政府)粤海关副税务司。1861年,总税务司李泰国(Horatio Nelson Lay)奉命(赴英国)采购战舰,由赫德代理职务,其间赴长江各新开口岸设置海关。1864年(同治三年)建立台湾南、北新关,并改驻京城(北京),获加封为按察使。1869年晋升为布政使,并赴沿海地区设置导航灯塔。1876年(光绪二年)协助签订中英《烟台条约》。1884年,到金陵(今南京)与法国大使商讨解决中法越南冲突。后(1885年),英国任命赫德为英国驻大清兼驻朝鲜王国大使,但赫德拒绝。过年后,清廷赏赫德花翎和双龙二等第一宝星。

1854 年以来,赫德始终长居中国,只有在 1866 年和 1878 年两次归国省亲。不过进入 1907 年,他的日子变得相当难过:多年助手和密友金 登干病逝,正在推行新政的清政府则打算收回关税管理权。赫德本人多年来饱受背痛和关节问题困扰,与子女关系也不睦。这年冬天,这个 72 岁的老人上书朝 廷要求请长假,获得了批准。1908 4 13 日,赫德乘火车离京,人们在他的办公室里找到一张纸条,上面写着:上午 7 时,鹭宾赫德走了。他再 也没能回国销假,于 1911 9 20 日病逝在白金汉郡家中。20 天后,武昌起义爆发,清王朝轰然崩塌。江海关为纪念他们的领袖,在 1914 年为赫德打造 了那尊著名的铜像,这个低头含胸的英国人在九江路继续 1942 年,被对英宣战的日军拆毁熔化。它在中国只存在了 28 年,比现实中的赫德还要短。


赫德曾司掌中华帝国海关 48 年之久,使这个新机构始终维持廉洁高效的运转,并把邮政、灯塔和海底电缆引入中国;赫德还是自强运动的要角,以《局外旁观论》等见解影响和诱导了清政府在军事、外交领域的变革,于同光中兴不无贡献。

然而对这个精通中文、喜爱东方音乐的洋和尚来说,客卿身份既是平步青云的基石,也时时带来困扰。对内,赫德以中国人民的同胞自居, 以其专业知识与职业态度服务于清政府,获得驯顺近礼的称赞;但他也深深卷入清末复杂的政局,试图为己寻租,被李鸿章目为阴鸷而专权,怙势而自尊 小人加以提防。

中國歷史上不乏客卿。元明以來,就有馬可‧波羅、龍華民、鄧玉函、利瑪竇、湯若望、南懷仁諸人。但真正為中國政府長期聘用,有職有權,對中國政治、經濟、文化起了舉足輕重影響的,則非19世紀來華、掌控中國海關幾近半個世紀的鷺賓‧赫德(Robert Hart1835—1911)莫屬,是為中國第一客卿。中国第一客卿:鹭宾·赫德传

而在他死后100年的今天,阿马郡(County Armagh)故乡的人几乎都把他忘掉。

赫德,字鹭宾——几乎被北爱尔兰乡亲遗忘的晚清海关重臣 - BBC News 中文

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