Saturday, 30 July 2016

A few points about the Arbitration of Philippines v. China on South China Sea

Dear All,
I  just start reading the Philippines v. China case by the  Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague on July 12, 2016.   At this stage, I think the PCA's additional definition of Article121 Regime of islands  is a direct interference on sovereignty and as such would be outside its jurisdiction. However, court proceedings is still a peaceful means, fairness needs to be appreciated and exercised by all parties.

International laws intends to govern fairly the conducts of the States, its key principles are to consider traditional notions of sovereignty, consent, and positivism.
The Preamble of  the UNCLOS states " with due regard for the sovereignty of all States, a legal order for the seas and oceans which will facilitate international communication, and will promote the peaceful uses of the seas and oceans......." Article 15  also spells out the importance of historic title or other special circumstances and asks for mutual agreement of the two countries. Similar consideration are shown  on Delimitation of the exclusive economic zone in Article74,  Delimitation of the continental shelf in Article83.

I would like to make notes of the followings, to share.
1.  The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is an intergovernmental organization located at The Hague in the Netherlands. The PCA is not a court "in the traditional sense", but rather a bureaucracy that provide services of arbitral tribunal to resolve disputes between member states, international organizations, or private parties arising out of international agreements.[2][3] The cases span a range of legal issues involving territorial and maritime boundaries, sovereignty, human rights, international investment, and international and regional trade. The PCA is not a United Nations agency, but a separate organization comprising 119 member states.[4][5][6]

Permanent Court of Arbitration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United Nations says it has no position regarding either legal merits or procedural merits of the case. [153][154] The UN's International Court of Justice says it has no involvement in the case either.[155]

China issues a Note Verbale stating that “it does not accept the arbitration initiated by the Philippines” and therefore will not participate in the proceedings;  August 1, 2013.
Deeming the case as a political farce played in the name of law by Manila, China has repeatedly reiterated its stance of non-acceptance and non-participation, and still advocates for a settlement to the dispute through negotiations. China claimed that by mid-June, the number of countries that expressed support for China’s stance had risen to 60, and is still growing.
China considers that by filing the arbitration case, the Philippines has shut the door to negotiations for dispute settlement, and has breached the solemn pledges it once made. In the past 20 years, the Philippines reached and signed at least six statements and agreements with China on peaceful settlement of the South China Sea disputes through negotiations.

The United States Department of State issues a Limits in the Seas report  on China’s Nine-Dash Line claim.
In the report, the State Department examines three different possible rationales for China’s Nine-Dash Line claim and examines the legality of each under UNCLOS and customary international law. In its examination of the legality of a historic waters claim, the report notes that numerous claimants in the South China Sea participate in activities that demonstrate that there is not an “effective” or “continuous exercise” of Chinese sovereignty in the region.

4. In December 2014, The PRC’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a position paper on the arbitration case. In the document, China reiterates comments made in the Note Verbale in February 2013 by outlining its arguments for why the case does not fall within the scope of UNCLOS’s compulsory dispute mechanism. The paper argues that the arbitration ultimately deals with sovereignty over disputed islands, a claim which the Philippines claims is contradicted by their initial Notification and Statement of Claim. China states that its own sovereignty over the maritime features in question has never been determined by an international body, so the Arbitral Tribunal, which is unable to rule on issues of sovereignty, cannot determine the extent of China’s maritime rights. China refuses to comment on whether or not some of the disputed features are indeed low-tide elevations, even though these features figure prominently in the Philippines’ case. China also argues that by signing the 2002 ASEAN-China Declaration of Conduct for Parties in the South China Sea, the Philippines agreed that bilateral negotiations were the only acceptable means of resolving such disputes.

5. PCA's Further definition  on Island and rock.
UNCLOS PART VIII. REGIME OF ISLAND,  Article121. Regime of islands
1. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide.
2. Except as provided for in paragraph 3, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of an island are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Convention applicable to other land territory.
3. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.

PCA's Interpretation of Article 121(3)

Paragraph 487, p208,
487. The Tribunal considers that the ordinary meaning of “sustain” has three components. The first is the concept of the support and provision of essentials. The second is a temporal concept: the support and provision must be over a period of time and not one-off or short-lived. The third is a qualitative concept, entailing at least a minimal “proper standard”. Thus, in connection with sustaining human habitation, to “sustain” means to provide that which is necessary to keep humans alive and healthy over a continuous period of time, according to a proper standard. In connection with an economic life, to “sustain” means to provide that which is necessary not just to commence, but also to continue, an activity over a period of time in a way that remains viable on an ongoing basis. 
489. In the Tribunal’s view, the use in Article 121(3) of the term “habitation” includes a qualitative element that is reflected particularly in the notions of settlement and residence that are inherent in that term. The mere presence of a small number of persons on a feature does not constitute permanent or habitual residence there and does not equate to habitation. Rather, the term habitation implies a non-transient presence of persons who have chosen to stay and reside on the feature in a settled manner. Human habitation would thus require all of the elements necessary to keep people alive on the feature, but would also require conditions sufficiently conducive to human life and livelihood for people to inhabit, rather than merely survive on, the feature.

6. Disputes heard. The case submitted by the Philippines to the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) concerns eight maritime features that are currently under the control of China.
The first four are low tide elevations that are completely submerged: Mischief Reef, which is 130 nm from Palawan, Kennan Reef (180 nm), Gaven Reef (205 nm) and Subi Reef (230nm). The other four are rocks or reefs that are, at most, entitled to only 12 nm. These are Scarborough shoal, 120 nm from Luzon, Johnson reef 180 (nm from Palawan), Cuarteron reef (240nm from Palawan) and Fiery Cross reef (255 nm from Palawan).

Taiping Island, the largest of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, has an area of 46 hectares and the Republic of China in Taiwan stations a Cost Guard garrison there. It has a dock being enlarged to berth a 3,000-ton Cost Guard cutter, an airport that accommodates C-130 cargo planes, a weather station, a park and a temple.

Scholars comments on the Role of the arbitral tribunal
* Legal scholar Anthony Carty of University of Hong Kong states in a published book that the case has been criticized and the arbitration tribinal now faces a claim which is not justiciable.[75]
* Chinese Society of International Law, explains in a published report that the Award for the case is completely erroneous. It's against the principle of international law.[5]
* Abdul G. Koroma, former judge of the International Court of Justice, states that a tribunal is not allowed to pass judgement on a territorial and boundary dispute since a tribunal doesn't have competence nor power to judge such matter.[76]
* Wu Shicun, president and senior research fellow of the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, says that China’s claims are based on historic evidence. Philippines' occupation of South China Sea islands is illegal. The arbitration is against international law, and the only way for a peaceful resolution is to respect the commitment to negotiations.[77]
* Stefan Talmon, director of the Institute of Public International Law at the University of Bonn, states that the Permanent Court of Arbitration does not have jurisdiction over territorial issues which are governed by customary international law, not UNCLOS.[78]
* Antonios Tzanakopoulos, associate professor of public international law at the University of Oxford, states in his published paper that the dispute of the case is obviously about sovereignty and maritime delimitation. Sovereignty and maritime delimitation are beyond the stipulation of the UNCLOS.[79][80]
* Tom Zwart, Professor of Law, Utrecht University, and director of the Cross-Cultural Human Rights Centre, states that the case breaks down the culture of harmony in Asia. To bring people together, tea should be offered, not a sword. In Asia, the award will be considered as the fruit of a poisonous tree. The case has so many actors and can affect many interests, justice can never be rendered, the dispute should not be handled by a judicial tribunal. The United States should be prevented from getting involved because it is not a direct stakeholder of this issue.[81][82]
* Australian international lawyers Rothwell[who?] and Stephens[who?] wrote in a published book that “[t]he Part XV dispute settlement mechanisms ... do not have jurisdiction over disputes arising under general international law”[5]
China's nine-dashed line
* Kuen-Chen Fu, dean of South China Sea Institute, Xiamen University, chief editor of China Oceans Law Review, states that in contract, a gesture like the nine-dashed line does not constitute an offer. China demarcated the u-shaped line with the help of the United States legal office in 1947. Countries including the Philippines and the United States were acknowledged the existence of the nine-dashed line. The US requested permission to visit the Spratly Islands in 1960.[21]
* Ted L. McDorman, professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, states in a published book that historic waters are not regulated under UNCLOS. The ICJ in the 1982 Tunisia/Libya case clearly stated that historic rights of waters are governed by customary international law, not UNCLOS.[84]
* John Norton Moore, director of the Center for National Security Law and the Center for Oceans Law and Policy, said that the China's nine-dash line claim is illegal and has no basis in the UNCLOS.[85] He also asserted that the nine-dashed line is not in China's interest, saying: "“If others were to do the same thing around the world, that China has done in the nine-dash line, it would be extremely harmful to the interests of China around the world.”[86]
* Wu Shicun, president and senior research fellow of the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, stated that the China's nine-dash line came almost half a century ahead of the UNCLOS, there is no reason to ask the nine-dash line to conform to a later convention. The non-retroactivity is a basic principle of international law, the existing facts of the past cannot be overwritten [clarification needed] by today's law.[87]
Claims by the Philippines
* Heydarian wrote that the country is "engaged in a crucial effort to ensure all claimant states align their claims in accordance to prevailing international legal regimes," but also noted that "the Aquino administration may have placed too much emphasis on its inherently uncertain lawfare at the expense of much-needed bilateral dialogue with its powerful neighbor, which seems determined to snub and defy the ongoing hearing at The Hague at all costs."[88]
* Zou Keyuan, Harris Professor of International Law at the Lancashire Law School of the University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, states in his published book that possible EEZ of the Spratly Archipelago is ignored in the Philippines' unilateral EEZ claim. Sovereignty over land territory always controls maritime jurisdiction. The Philippine argument of EEZ in the case may be an effort to muddy the juridical water and to try gain some international support for its weak sovereignty claim.[89]
* Kuan-Hsiung Wang, a professor at the Graduate Institute of Political Science, National Taiwan Normal University, has characterized the claims by the Philippines as "Dubious", opining that the Philippines is undermining efforts to resolve disputes and promote stability.[90]
* ce?]
Philippines v. China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Manila made  15 submissions to PCA tribunal,  in particular whether Scarborough Shoal and low-tide areas like Mischief Reef can be considered islands. PCA tribunal set aside seven pointed claims mainly accusing Beijing of acting unlawfully. On 29 October 2015, the PCA tribunal ruled that it had the power to hear the case.
 On 19 February 2013, China officially refused to participate in the arbitration because, according to China, its 2006 declaration under article 298[6] covers the disputes brought by the Philippines and that this case concerns sovereignty, thus it deems the arbitral tribunal formed for the case has no jurisdiction over the issue.[7]
On 12 July 2016, the tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines against China over territorial disputes in the South China Sea;[11][12] in its major ruling, the tribunal ruled that China has "no historical rights" based on the "nine-dash line" map.[11][12] China has rejected the ruling, as have Taiwan.[13][14]
The United Nations holds no position on the case, and the International Court of Justice has had no involvement.

Philippines v. China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philippines_v._China

UNCLOS and Agreement on Part XI - Preamble and frame index

Delimitation of the territorial sea between States
with opposite or adjacent coasts
Where the coasts of two States are opposite or adjacent to each other, neither of the two States is entitled, failing agreement between them to the contrary, to extend its territorial sea beyond the median line every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial seas of each of the two States is measured. The above provision does not apply, however, where it is necessary by reason of historic title or other special circumstances to delimit the territorial seas of the two States in a way which is at variance therewith.

Article 298. Optional exceptions to applicability of section 2. 1.
When signing, ratifying or acceding to this Convention or at any time thereafter, a State may, without prejudice to the obligations arising under section 1, declare in writing that it does not accept any one or more of the procedures provided for in section 2 with respect to one or more of the following categories of disputes:
(a) (i) disputes concerning the interpretation or application of articles 15, 74 and 83 relating to sea boundary delimitations, or those involving historic bays or titles, provided that a State having made such a declaration shall, when such a dispute arises subsequent to the entry into force of this Convention and where no agreement within a reasonable period of time is reached in negotiations between the parties, at the request of any party to the dispute, accept submission of the matter to conciliation under Annex V, section 2; and provided further that any dispute that necessarily involves the concurrent consideration of any unsettled dispute concerning sovereignty or other rights over continental or insular land territory shall be excluded from such submission;

Sunday, 24 July 2016








《联合国海洋法公约》第298条 适用第2节的任择性例外 1.一国在签署、批准或加入本公约时,或在其后任何时间,在不妨害根据第1节所产生的义务的情形下,可以书面声明对于下列各类争端的一类或一类以上,不接受第2节规定的一种或一种以上的程序:

波恩大学法学院国际法专家塔尔蒙教授(Stefan Talmon)在接受德国之声采访时指出,《联合国海洋法公约》第298条特别规定,一国在签署、批准或加入该公约时,或在其后任何时间,可以书面声明,那些必然涉及同时审议与大陆或岛屿陆地领土的主权或其他权利有关的任何尚未解决的争端,不接受《公约》所规定的一种或一种以上的程序。2006年,中国向联合国提交了一份声明,有关岛屿主权归属问题的争议不接受国际仲裁。
因此,塔尔蒙教授指出,国际仲裁法庭在接到菲律宾的有关起诉之后,必定会立刻宣布,相关诉讼不在其仲裁范围之内,不能受理。从这个意义上讲,菲律宾此举不具有任何的法律效果,只是纯政治性的一步。据"腾讯网"援引菲律宾媒体报道,菲原副外长、原菲驻联合国大使巴查(Lauro Baja)表示,相关争议岛屿(中称黄岩岛)在中国有效控制之下。
专家:国际法庭不能受理菲中岛屿争议 | 德国之声 来自德国 介绍德国 | DW.COM | 22.01.2013


《联合国海洋法公约》第298条 适用第2节的任择性例外 1.一国在签署、批准或加入本公约时,或在其后任何时间,在不妨害根据第1节所产生的义务的情形下,可以书面声明对于下列各类争端的一类或一类以上,不接受第2节规定的一种或一种以上的程序: (a)(i)关于划定海洋边界的第15、第74和第83条在解释或适用上的争端,或涉及历史性海湾或所有权的争端,但如这种争端发生于本公约生效之后,经争端各方谈判仍未能在合理期间所达成协议,则作出声明的国家,经争端任何一方请求,应同意将该事项提交附件Ⅴ第2节所规定的调解;此外,任何争端如果必要涉及同时审议与大陆或岛屿陆地领土的主权或其他权利有关的任何尚未解决的争端,则不应提交这一程序;

《联合国海洋法公约》298 條
《联合国海洋法公约》(全) _ 中国网

中国根据《联合国海洋法公约》第298条提交排除性声明 — 中华人民共和国外交部




1994年开始实施的《联合国海洋法公约》的出现,纠结也可能仅仅是纠结而已,《联合国海洋法公约》出台. 1997年联合国根据《联合国海洋法公约》附件规定成立了大陆架界限委员会,2001年规定,凡是在1999年5月13日以前正式批准或加入《公约》的国家,都需要在10年内向大陆架界限委员会提交大陆架外部界限主张案。


  在二战时期,日本一度占领南海,但二战结束后,依照波茨坦公约将南海并台湾等诸多侵占的中国领土交还中国,中国对南海的主权在二战后再次得到国际社会承认。上世纪60年代,中国出于中越关系以及地缘政治考虑,允许越南在中国南海领土上建设雷达站等军事设施,将11段线改为了9段线,这就是今天的南海9段线。这样一段风平浪静的历史一直维持到上世纪70年代,周边国家因为南海发现大量资源才纷纷向中国提出领土要求。这些领土要求在早期是零散的, 直至上世纪90年代以前,“纠结”也仅仅是“纠结”而已。


南海仲裁案》菲律賓總統杜特蒂進退兩難 民間盼強力護漁 美國未必出兵協防-東協 ASEAN|中國|南海|菲律賓|南海爭議|中菲關係|護漁|主權|南海仲裁案|南海仲裁|杜特蒂 Rodrigo Duterte-風傳媒-簡恒宇




海牙常設仲裁法院的《南海仲裁案》結果出爐,其中一項仲裁結果是將南海最大一個天然島嶼太平島視為礁石。蘇格蘭格拉斯哥大學(University of Glasgow)國際法碩士、香港執業律師楊銘輝接受《香港輕新聞》專訪,表示仲裁結果堪稱「劃時代」,推翻過往人類對島與礁的認知,可能引起全球海洋劃界的大混亂。


楊銘輝笑言,國際法每字每句都需要小心處理,根據這個仲裁結果伸延,不單只東海的釣魚台及日本的沖之鳥不是島,甚至連香港境內的香港島、浦台島、長洲島、南丫島,甚至大嶼山都沒有足夠的淡水和糧食,要「依賴於外來的支持」,可能都不是島,仲裁庭偏偏又沒有以附帶意見(Obiter dictum)方式重新界定什麼是島。故此,南海仲裁案不但沒有化解紛爭,可能近一步引起全球海洋劃界的大混亂。






這幾年間,由國際仲裁的案件,最著名的包括俄羅斯和荷蘭爭議,以及英國在扎格斯群島(Chagos Islands)單方面設立海洋保護區。其中2013年俄羅斯海軍扣押荷蘭船隻,俄羅斯認為法庭無權受理此案並拒絕出席聽證會,最後也沒有按照仲裁釋放荷蘭船員及支付賠償金。同樣,英國單方面在扎格斯群島設立海洋保護區,仲裁法庭判英國違反了國際海洋法,但英國一樣無視。至於美國,在1980年代發生的尼加拉瓜訴美國的仲裁案,美國也強調國際法庭對尼加拉瓜案沒有管轄權。故此斷言拒絕接受裁決。







加上這次仲裁的法官,除了德國籍Rüdiger Wolfrum法官為菲律賓指派,日本籍法官柳井俊二指定了其他四名法官,雖然柳井俊二本人沒有參與,但是同樣不能視為足夠的避嫌。要知道避嫌本身就是為了提高公信力,這樣的安排,確實存在嚴重瑕疵。




(University of Glasgow)

香港輕新聞  2016-07-14

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Extraterrestrial Encounters and Reports


UFO sightings have been reported throughout recorded history and in various parts of the world, raising questions about life on other planets and whether extraterrestrials have visited Earth. They became a major subject of interest–and the inspiration behind numerous films and books–following the development of rocketry after World War II.

There has been many reports of US government activities on UFO issues.  There are also many  unusual sightings and mistaken UFO reports which can be attributed to a wide range of well-known natural phenomena.  The USA , being the advanced human power in technology, has been criticised  of the scientific inadequacies in past years of UFO investigations.  The investigative and evaluative deficiencies illustrated in the four cases examined in the  Condon Report by the National Academy of Sciences  are criticised  to have been based on entirely superficial examination. 

Ancient Aliens

 "one thing is certain. There is something inconsistent about our past, that past that lies thousands and millions of years behind us. The past teemed with unknown gods who visited the primeval earth in manned spaceships (Däniken IXX)." 
Alien Encounter Timeline - Cryptid Wiki - Wikia

It is said that " in July 1947, the radar at the Four Corners area in the southwestern United States effected and took down an alien disk.  The disk landed near Roswell, New Mexico. It was to be the first of two disks that would crash in that area. On board, scientists and military personnel found several dead alien beings. 
An immediate analysis of their species could not be determined, but the aliens had both reptilian and insect-like qualities. Also on board were found the remains of several military personnel.  
Within two years, the government would run into another case on the White Sands Missile Range where Sergeant John Louette would be abducted right in front of a witness by a disk that hauled him aboard with tentacle-like cables. His body was found three days later about ten miles from where he was taken. "
This is all described in the Grudge 13 report

Aliens and The Government

Human worries about extraterrestrials:
"Aliens from other solar systems are a potential threat to us, and we are a potential threat to them. Scientists and others have often postulated that extraterrestrial societies more advanced than ours would be less warlike. Regrettably, the stereotypes of the benevolent, super intelligent alien may be as unrealistic as the stereotype of the bug-eyed monster carrying off shapely human females. Even if a species had achieved true peace within its own ranks, it would still be worried about us, and would take the measures it felt were necessary to protect itself. This includes the possibility (not the inevitability) of military action . . . Our basic interest will be to protect ourselves from any possible threat to Earth’s security . . . "
The "evil alien" philosophy was furthered in the Ford administration with a 1975 report produced by the Library of Congress for the House Committee on Science and Technology. It also warned about the possible threats of open contact with extraterrestrials. The report stated, "Since we have no knowledge of their nature, we may be aiding in our own doom"
 Reagan UFO Story
Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who were allegedly abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of New Hampshire from September 19 to September 20, 1961.  Barney claimed to have seen about 8 to 11 humanoid figures who were peering out of the craft's windows, seeming to look at him.  On October 21, 1961, Barney reported to NICAP Investigator Walter Webb, that the "beings were somehow not human".[9]
Barney and Betty Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Close examination of the level of investigation and the level of scientific analysis involved in Project Sign (1948–9), Project Grudge (1949–52), and Project Bluebook (1953 to date), reveals that these were, viewed scientifically, almost meaningless investigations. Furthermore, the panels, consultants, contractual studies, etc., that the Air Force has had working on the UFO problem over the past 22 years have, with essentially no exception, brought almost negligible scientific scrutiny into
the picture. 
Illustrative CasesThe following treats in detail the four principal UFO cases referred to in my Symposium talk. They are presented
as specific illustrations of what I regard as serious shortcomings of case-investigations in the Condon Report and in
the 1947-69 Air Force UFO program. The four cases used as illustrations are the following:
 This case will illustrate, in significant ways, the following points:
a)  It illustrates the fact that many scientifically intriguing UFO reports have lain in USAF/Bluebook files for years without knowledge thereof by the scientific community. b)  It represents a large subset of UFO cases in which all of the observations stemmed from military sources and which, had there been serious and competent scientific interest operating in Project Bluebook, could have been very thoroughly investigated while the information was fresh. It also illustrates the point that the actual levels of investigation were entirely inadequate in even as unexplainable and involved cases as this one. 
c)  It illustrates the uncomfortably incomplete and internally inconsistent features that one encounters in almost every report of its kind in the USAF/Bluebook files at Wright-Patterson AFB, features attesting to the dearth of scientific competence in the Air Force UFO investigations over the past 20 years. 
d)  It illustrates, when the original files are carefully studied and compared with the discussion thereof in the Condon Report, shortcomings in presentation and critique given many cases in the Condon Report. 
Science in Default: Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations - 1

Denise Stoner and Kathleen Mardenare authors of "The Alien Abduction Files". Denise is an experiencer and a member of MUFON's ERT.

"Majestic 12" or "MJ-12" is unconfirmed document ;  (NOTE: All of the following information and/or assertions concerning the MJ-12 documents are those of the authors of the following website:
Einstein and Oppenheimer were called in to give their opinion, drafting a six-page paper titled "Relationships With Inhabitants Of Celestial Bodies." They provided prophetic insight into our modern nuclear strategies and satellites, and expressed agitated urgency that an agreement be reached with the President so that scientists could proceed to study the alien technology.
It is said that The extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico, between July 4 - July 6, 1947, caused the Chief of Staff of the Army Air Force's Interplanetary Phenomena Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate to initiate a thorough investigation. 

Harry Truman kept the technical briefing documents of September 24, 1947 for further study, pondering the challenges of creating and funding a secret organization before the CIA existed (although the Central Intelligence Group or CIG did exist) and before there was a legal procedure of funding non-war operations.

In April 1954, a group of senior officers of the U.S. intelligence community and the Armed Forces gathered for one of the most secret and sensational briefings in history. The subject was Unidentified Flying Objects — not just a discussion of sightings, but how to recover crashed UFOs, where to ship the parts, and how to deal with the occupants. For example, in the "Special Operations Manual (SOM1-01) Extraterrestrial Entities Technology Recovery and Disposal," MAJESTIC-12 "red teams" mapped out UFO crash retrieval scenarios with special attention given to press blackouts, body packaging, and live alien transport, isolation, and custody.

Majestic is not another rehash of the famous Roswell story — it contains over 500 pages (and growing) of newly surfaced documents, many of which date years before the Roswell crash. Unlike other websites, a central theme of validating authenticity is woven throughout the site while telling the exciting story of the U.S. government's work on retrieval and analysis of extraterrestrial hardware and alien life forms from 1941 to present."
-- Reference:

Glenn Dennis was produced as a supposedly important witness in 1989, after calling the hotline when an episode of Unsolved Mysteries featured the Roswell incident. His descriptions of Roswell alien autopsies were the first account that said there were alien corpses at the Roswell Army Air Base.[3]

In 1991, Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt published UFO Crash at Roswell. They added 100 new witnesses, altered and tightened the narrative, and included several "sinister" new twists.[29]

In 1997, Former Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso reported in his autobiographical book that the Roswell Crash did happen and that when he was assigned to Fort Riley (Kansas) in July 1947, 5 trucks of 25 tons and some semi trailers entered the base from Fort Bliss Texas. He claimed while he was patrolling the base he was brought into the medical facilities by Sgt. Brown and shown the remnants of bodies that were from an "air crash". Philip Klass analyzed his claims line by line and exposed many inconsistencies and factual errors.[33]
examples of UFO cases conceded to be explained and unexplainable in the Condon Report and containing features of particularly strong scientific interest


On two previous occasions the Congress of the United States has conducted open hearings on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects. On April 5, 1966 the House Armed Services Committee held public hearings, and on July 29th, 1968, the U. S. House of Representatives' Committee on Science and Astronautics convened a one-day Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, chaired by then-Indiana Congressman J. Edward Roush.However, these two occasions were not the only time that the subject was discussed by legislators. Project Blue Book documents, newspaper stories and letters in the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) files show that on a number of occasions UFOs had been privately discussed in executive session of various committees and subcommittees. However, the July 29, 1968 Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects was unique in the respect that it provided Congressmen and Committee staff with the opportunity to ask questions of the participants, and the results were made accessible to the public through the government printing office
Since the late fifties, NICAP had struggled to get Congressional attention focused on the UFO phenomenon and the official handling of UFO investigations. During this period the Project Blue Book files had only been available to a few select individuals. While the Blue Book files contained an extensive collection of UFO reports, they were hardly definitive. In fact, NICAP probably had just as many well-investigated cases in its own files. However, the denial of public access to the Project's files seemed like a cover up, and something on which to focus the request for Congressional action. NICAP developed a number of proposals they hoped Congress would help implement:
Representative Roush's defeat in the next Congressional elections was the end of UFO hearings "On the Hill." With the nation's interest consumed by the war in Viet Nam there could be no further action into public hearings without the support of at least one dedicated Congressman from the committee.
SHG - UFO Symposium 1968: Introduction By Jan L. Aldrich

In ufology, a close encounter is an event in which a person witnesses an unidentified flying object. This terminology and the system of classification behind it was started by astronomer and UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek, and was first suggested in his 1972 book The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry.[1] He introduced the first three kinds of encounters; more sub-types of close encounters were later added by others, but these additional categories are not universally accepted by UFO researchers, mainly because they depart from the scientific rigor that Hynek aimed to bring to ufology.[2]
 Sightings within about 500 feet are subclassified as various types of "close encounters."
Close encounter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tunguska event--The Russian Roswell

The Tunguska event was a large explosion that occurred near the Stony Tunguska River, in Yeniseysk Governorate (now Krasnoyarsk Krai), Russian Empire, on the morning of 30 June 1908 (N.S.).[1][2] The explosion over the sparsely populated Eastern Siberian Taiga flattened 2,000 km2 (770 sq mi) of forest (it caused no known human casualties). The explosion is generally attributed to the disruption in mid-air of a superbolide. It is classified as an impact event, even though no impact crater has been found; the object is thought to have disintegrated at an altitude of 5 to 10 kilometres (3 to 6 miles) rather than hit the surface of the Earth.[3]
Different studies have yielded varying estimates of the superbolide's size, on the order of 60 to 190 metres (200 to 620 feet), depending on whether the body was a comet or a denser asteroid.[4] It is the largest known impact event on Earth in recorded history.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The 1947 Roswell UFO Incidence, the extraterrestrial activities remain hidden

An unidentified flying object crashed on a ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, sometime during the first week of July 1947.  The  AAF Headquarters in Washington  said that the event was a  surveillance balloon crashed. Then “Reports of flying saucers whizzing through the sky fell off sharply as the Army and the Navy began a concentrated campaign to stop the rumors.”

Long before the UFO crash near Roswell, N.M. in 1947, there have been tens of thousands of reported UFO sightings.  The US National UFO Reporting Center   aims at collection and dissemination of objective UFO data and have consistently receiving reports of ufo. 

In spite of the enormous collection of subjective, circumstantial and objective "evidence" of extraterrestrial activity on and around Earth, the existence, intentions and the activities of extraterrestrials remain hidden and mysterious.

Apparently,  the US Government had not carried out scientific investigation of the UFO problem  since the first extensive wave of sightings of unidentified aerial objects in the summer of 1947. Despite continued public interest, only quite superficial examinations of the steadily growing body of unexplained UFO reports from credible witnesses have been conducted.  Furthermore, the panels, consultants, contractual studies, etc., that the US Air Force has had working on the UFO problem , with essentially no exception, brought almost negligible scientific scrutiny into the picture.   

Many books and description of the Mystery of UFOs and activities of extraterrestrials have been written; 

Alien Interview - Based On Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided
International UFO Museum And Research Center  was installed  and the museum is located at 114 North Main Street, Roswell, New Mexico.


Glenn Dennis (March 24, 1925 – April 28, 2015) was a founder of the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico, which opened in September 1991, and self-professed witness to the 1947 Roswell UFO incident.[1][2]

Dennis was excused from wartime military service because of poor hearing, and  was an embalmer at Ballard. He graduated from the San Francisco College of Mortuary Science on 22 December 1946 and was put in charge of Ballard's military contract, which included ambulance and mortuary services for the nearby Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF).[3]

Glenn Dennis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dennis was interviewed in August 1989 by Stanton Friedman.
"Then when they informed me that these bodies [had] laid out in the middle of July, in the middle of the prairie, I mean that body's going to be as dark as your [blue] blazer there, and it's going to be in bad shape. I was the one who suggested dry ice. I'd done that a time or two.
"What do the bodies look like?" And they said, "I don't know, but I'll tell you one thing: This happened some time ago."  
[Dennis spoke with the nurse again the following day.]
She said there were three little bodies. Two of them were just mangled beyond everything, but there was one of them that was really in pretty good condition.

And she said, "Let me show you the difference between our anatomy and theirs. Really, what they looked like was ancient Chinese: small, fragile, no hair." She said their noses didn't protrude, the eyes were set pretty deep, and the ears were just little indentations. She said the anatomy of the arms was different, the upper arm was longer than the lower. They didn't have thumbs, they had four different, she called them "tentacles", I think. Didn't have any fingernails. She then described how they had little things like suction cups on their fingertips.
I asked her were these men or women? [Were their] sex organs the same as ours? She said, "No, some were missing." 

Part 2.5, Roswell Witness Testimonies by Christopher Schmidt -UFO Evidence

Stanton Friedman is a retired nuclear physicist and professional ufologist who resides in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident. WikipediaStanton Friedman and Don Berliner, published  the 1992 book "Crash at Corona"  in the United States by Paragon House.
Friedman was the first civilian to document the site of the Roswell UFO incident,[4] and supports the hypothesis that it was a genuine crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.[5] In 1968 Friedman told a committee of the U.S. House of Representativesthat the evidence suggests that Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial vehicles.[6] Friedman also stated he believed that UFO sightings were consistent with magnetohydrodynamic propulsion.
In 1996, after researching and fact checking the Majestic 12 documents, Friedman said that there was no substantive grounds for dismissing their authenticity.[7]
A piece of evidence that he often cites with respect to this hypothesis is the 1964 star map drawn by alleged alien abducteeBetty Hill during a hypnosis session, which she said was shown to her during her abduction. Astronomer Marjorie Fish constructed a three-dimensional map of nearby sun-like stars and claimed a good match from the perspective of Zeta Reticuli, about 39 light years distant. The fit of the Hill/Fish star maps was hotly debated in the December 1974 edition of Astronomy Magazine,[9][10] with Friedman and others defending the statistical validity of the match.
His positions are regarded as controversial in mainstream science and media, but Friedman claims to have received little opposition at his many lectures, most of which have been at colleges and universities, many to engineering societies and other groups of physicists.[2] (p. 24) He has had a number of debates in the mainstream media, including one with UFO skeptic Michael Shermer on CNN.

Inasmuch as I do not have any further information to verify or substantiate that any of the notes of these "interviews" sent to me by Mrs. MacElroy are in any way factual, other than what I have already mentioned, let the reader beware, and take heed accordingly!

Alien Interview - Based On Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy

Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up 

Friday, 1 July 2016

Human evolution , Nephilim and extraterrestrials life

Hi All,

The timeline of human evolution is long and controversial, with significant gaps. Experts do not agree on many of the start and end points of various species, and there is great debate that Humans did not evolve from apes, gorillas or chimps,though humans may share a common ancestor with some primates, such as the African ape. We may be all modern species that have followed different evolutionary paths. 

The fossil record shows that many terrestrial life has decreased in size and there were  Giants in the Earth. Legends throughout the world have spoken  of a race of giants that once walked the Earth.  Some believed that these were the Nephilim, theorized to be gigantic in stature. Arguments have risen in the theological community for centuries as to what the Nephilim were, or if they were indeed the giants that seemed to be described. However, what cannot be argued is that Judeo/Christian doctrines are not the only ones who speak of a giant human species. It is also said that Man came from cross-breeding of aliens and apes millions of years ago .  
ANCIENT GIANTS existed - Best Full Documentary - YouTube

However, Humans today has still not been cleared of the creation–evolution controversy, and the wars predominantly of religious belief still a major obstacle that hinders the advancement of human civilisations . 

If extraterrestrials life forms exist, why is there no consistent, open, interactive communication between Mankind and Extraterrestrials?  Mankind needs to know the answers to questions -- Who are we? Where did we come from? Is Mankind alone in the universe? If there is intelligent life elsewhere why have they not contacted us?


The geological record of Earth is reckoned, by the best guesses of scientists, to be only about 4 billion years. The antiquity of homo sapiens in the archaeology textbooks is estimated at only a few million years, at most. Even the entire biological spectrum is considered to have existed on this planet for only a few hundred million years. And, the personal memory of individual beings on this planet is limited to only one lifetime.

The possibility of linking humans with earlier apes by descent became clear only after 1859 with the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, in which he argued for the idea of the evolution of new species from earlier ones. Darwin's book did not address the question of human evolution, saying only that "Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history."

The first debates about the nature of human evolution arose between Thomas Henry Huxley and Richard Owen. Huxley argued for human evolution from apes by illustrating many of the and differences between humans and apes, and did so particularly in his 1863 book Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. However, many of Darwin's early supporters (such as Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Lyell) did not initially agree that the origin of the mental capacities and the moral sensibilities of humans could be explained by natural selection, though this later changed. Darwin applied the theory of evolution and sexual selection to humans when he published The Descent of Man in 1871.[20]

"Bones of an alligator which was as long as a house and as tall as its ceilings have been found on the banks of the Amazon River in South America. Scientists estimate from the alligator's 1.5 metre skull that it was about 2.5 metres tall, and about 12metres long. Professor Carl Frailey, from Overland Park, Kansas, said the creature probably weighed about 120 tonnes. 'This would make it heavier than Tyrannosaurus rex… the mightiest of dinosaur predators', he said." (The Sunday Mail, Brisbane, November 17, 1991)
The fossil record shows that all terrestrial life has decreased in size. The largest members of the animal kingdom are either becoming extinct, or shrinking as if touched by a magic wand. Mammals were often twice the size of their current counterparts.
There were kangaroos as large as today's hippopotamuses, with skulls a meter long.  Fossil eagles have been found; these birds were 40 feet (13 meters) long and 12 feet (4 meters) high. 
On a Nova Scotia field trip led by Australian John Mackay, a giant fossil slater or wood louse was photographed. This monster has been found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean amongst fossil trees in the coal fields of Nova Scotia and Western Scotland. The fossil was so well preserved that its stomach contents were intact. There is no difficulty in identifying it as a giant member of the wood lice or roly poly family which is still here with us. They used to be nearly 2 meters (6 feet) long. Today they are only about ½ inch (1 centimeter) long.
Traditions drawn from the racial memory of races worldwide state that the very first people on earth were mighty and of immense stature, but that they later degenerated in size and vigour. 
A similar assessment of ancient man was reported in Time magazine: "Taking a fresh look at the… fossils… Weidenreich [of Manhatten's American Museum of Natural History] now believes that 'gigantism and massiveness may have been a general or at least a widespread character of early mankind.' " (Time, July 3, 1944)
The idea of giant men in the past is compatible with enormous artefacts left behind, including buildings.  Around the world, tools of abnormal size have been found, that could not have been handled by men of normal stature. Actual remains, far from isolated, are now common in all parts of the world.

Ancient Roman Giant Found—Oldest Complete Skeleton With Gigantism

From National Geographic , At 6 feet, 8 inches (202 centimeters) tall, the man would have been a giant in third-century A.D. Rome, where men averaged about 5 and a half feet (167 centimeters) tall. By contrast, today's tallest man measures 8 feet, 3 inches (251 centimeters).
The Roman giant, though, was found with no funerary artifacts, study leader Minozzi said. And, she added, his burial was typical of the time, suggesting he was included as part of society.  "We know nothing about the role or presence of giants in the Roman world," she said—other than the fact that the second century A.D. emperor Maximinus Thrax was described in literature as a "human mountain."

Around 3500 BC, an enigmatic civilization called the Agathyr, belonging to the Scythian tribe, built an underground system of tunnels, today known as the Hyperborean Gallery. 
One of the very few pictures of an actual giant skeleton that survived. It has been unearthed in a gold mine at Rosia Montana, Romania — December 13, 1976. It measures 32.8 Feet in height (10 meters). 
Across Romania, plenty more giant skeletons have been found and excavated throughout the last century. In the 1940s, a mass excavation revealed 80 humanoid skeletons that measured approximately 5 meters long (16 feet).
Archaeologists unearthed unique gravestones with a surprising chemical composition: gold, granite and wolfram, unlike the ordinary gravestones made of average composite stone.
But the greatest finding in the underground gallery were the 33 feet-tall (10 meter) humanoid skeletal remains. 

Ancient Giants and the Underground Hyperborean Gallery Unearthed in Romania | Humans Are Free

UFO mania: Ancient Giants and The Underground Hyperborean Gallery Unearthed in Romania

Giant Skeletons in Wisconsin?!

Scientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912. But the enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls found in May 1912 did not fit very neatly into anyone's concept of a textbook standard. Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls "presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America to-day." 
Over 200 Giant digs have been found in recent years. Giant skeleton finds have not made the local/national news since the 1950's for the most part. It seems in most peoples opinion do to the fear that people would question evolution . If anything a de-evolution. 

On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. One had recently been opened.

"In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. The skull was as large as a half bushel measure. Some finely tempered rods of copper and other relics were lying near the bones."
Giant skulls and skeletons of a race of "Goliaths" have been found on a very regular basis throughout the Midwestern states for more than 100 years. Giants have been found in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and New York, and their burial sites are similar to the well-known mounds of the Mound Builder people.
A giant mystery: 18 strange giant skeletons found in Wisconsin: Sons of god; Men of renown -- Secret History --

In 2002, National Geographic reported a dozen Cyclops skeletons found in Greece that stood 12-15 1/2 Ft tall. That is 3 humans tall. One eye socket. Giants in history are typically cannibalistic in nature. The reason why I am bringing up giants will all tie into politics, and word happenings. Look at a basketball hoop and add 5 feet. That tall. Greek Mythology talks about war with cyclops learning they had to bring down by taking out their legs rendering them slow and helpless. American Giants (Red Hair Giants) where found with egyptian writing on their tombs have been found in multiple locations. 

flying saucer crash
An unidentified flying object crashed on a ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, sometime during the first week of July 1947.  At 11 a.m., July 8, 1947, Lt. Walter Haut, RAAF public information officer, finished a press release Blanchard had ordered him to write, stating that the wreckage of a crashed disk had been recovered.
After an initial spike of interest, the military reported that the crash was merely of a conventional weather balloon.[2] Interest subsequently waned until the late 1970s when ufologists began promulgating a variety of increasingly elaborate conspiracy theories, claiming that one or more alien spacecraft had crash-landed, and that the extraterrestrial occupants had been recovered by the military who then engaged in a cover-up.

Man came from cross-breeding of aliens and apes millions of years ago.
why are apes today are almost exactly like apes a thousand, or from a million years ago, possibly with only slight variations, and live in exactly the same way and environment as their ancient predecessors, yet human progress seems to be steaming ahead. 
 If you look at the way animals evolve, it has little in common with the way man evolves. Animals do adapt to their natural surroundings, for example birds growing beaks, zoo animals adapting to life in the zoo etc. But if you look at human progress, even a short period of time such as 100 years brings remarkable change.
Modern humans have appeared about 1.5 million years ago (Wikipedia, Human Evolution), they were called Homo Habilis. However, Homo Sapiens, or modern man, has only been around since about 250,000 years ago. The article also notes that human DNA is 98.4 similar to chimp DNA. To summarize, the information points out that humans are very similar to monkeys, yet they have distinct characteristics that monkeys don’t have.
 It can be assumed that human origins lie beyond our planet. Basically, humans are a product of aliens from outer space and apes. It  is also suggested the cross breeding of aliens and apes would completely explain the unique traits of humans, which would come from extraterrestrials and human mammalian qualities, which would come from apes. 

Over 500 Scientists Proclaim Their Doubts About Darwin's Theory of Evolution。"We know intuitively that Darwinism can accomplish some things, but not others," added Egnor. "The question is what is that boundary? Does the information content in living things exceed that boundary? Darwinists have never faced those questions. They've never asked scientifically if random mutation and natural selection can generate the information content in living things." 

Over 500 Scientists Proclaim Their Doubts About Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Evolution News & Views

A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism (or Dissent from Darwinism) is a statement issued in 2001 by the Discovery Institute, a conservative Christian think tank based in Seattle, Washington, U.S., best known for its promotion of the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design, updated list in 2016.  It disputes the assertion that Darwin's theory of evolution fully explains the complexity of living things, and dispute that "all known scientific evidence supports [Darwinian] evolution".[2][3]

One of their favorite methods of attacking the credibility of science is to use petitions, a form of science democracy in their minds:
* Creationists use the Discovery Institute’s (an Intelligent design “think tank”) A Scientific Dissent from Darwin to prove to people that scientists disagree with evolution. Except the list contains few biological scientists, it’s mostly made up of engineers (not science) and others with marginal credentials. That being said, about 1000 individuals have signed the petition, or less than 0.03% of the world’s scientists (if we allow that all the signatories are really scientists). If evolution were subject to a vote, the dissenters got demolished.
Science democracy – debunking the strategies of denialism

The creation–evolution controversy (also termed the creation vs. evolution debate or the origins debate) involves a recurring cultural, political, and theological dispute about the origins of the Earth, of humanity, and of other life.  today it is mainly over what constitutes good science education,[8][9]with the politics of creationism primarily focusing on the teaching of creation and evolution in public education.[10][11][12][13][14] Among majority-Christian countries, the debate is most prominent in the United States, and to a lesser extent in Europe and elsewhere,[15] and is often portrayed as part of a culture war.[16] 

The Catholic Church recognizes the existence of evolution. Pope Francis has stated: "God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life...Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve."[19][20] 

In 1968, the United States Supreme Court invalidated a forty-year-old Arkansas statute that prohibited the teaching of evolution in the public schools. A Little Rock, Arkansas, high school biology teacher, Susan Epperson, filed suit charging the law violated the federal constitutional prohibition against establishment of religion as set forth in the Establishment Clause. The Court held that the United States Constitution prohibits a state from requiring, in the words of the majority opinion, "that teaching and learning must be tailored to the principles or prohibitions of any religious sect or dogma."[59] But the Supreme Court decision also suggested that creationism could be taught in addition to evolution.[60]

Daniel v. Waters was a 1975 legal case in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit struck down Tennessee's law regarding the teaching of "equal time" of evolution and creationism in public school science classes because it violated the Establishment Clause. Following this ruling, creationism was stripped of overt biblical references and renamed "Creation Science," and several states passed legislative acts requiring that this be given equal time with the teaching of evolution.

A number of legal cases on evolution v creationism were heard in USA after WWI. On August 1, 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush commented endorsing the teaching of intelligent design alongside evolution "I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught ... so people can understand what the debate is about."[8][92]

Creation–evolution controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia