Friday 1 July 2016

Human evolution , Nephilim and extraterrestrials life

Hi All,

The timeline of human evolution is long and controversial, with significant gaps. Experts do not agree on many of the start and end points of various species, and there is great debate that Humans did not evolve from apes, gorillas or chimps,though humans may share a common ancestor with some primates, such as the African ape. We may be all modern species that have followed different evolutionary paths. 

The fossil record shows that many terrestrial life has decreased in size and there were  Giants in the Earth. Legends throughout the world have spoken  of a race of giants that once walked the Earth.  Some believed that these were the Nephilim, theorized to be gigantic in stature. Arguments have risen in the theological community for centuries as to what the Nephilim were, or if they were indeed the giants that seemed to be described. However, what cannot be argued is that Judeo/Christian doctrines are not the only ones who speak of a giant human species. It is also said that Man came from cross-breeding of aliens and apes millions of years ago .  
ANCIENT GIANTS existed - Best Full Documentary - YouTube

However, Humans today has still not been cleared of the creation–evolution controversy, and the wars predominantly of religious belief still a major obstacle that hinders the advancement of human civilisations . 

If extraterrestrials life forms exist, why is there no consistent, open, interactive communication between Mankind and Extraterrestrials?  Mankind needs to know the answers to questions -- Who are we? Where did we come from? Is Mankind alone in the universe? If there is intelligent life elsewhere why have they not contacted us?


The geological record of Earth is reckoned, by the best guesses of scientists, to be only about 4 billion years. The antiquity of homo sapiens in the archaeology textbooks is estimated at only a few million years, at most. Even the entire biological spectrum is considered to have existed on this planet for only a few hundred million years. And, the personal memory of individual beings on this planet is limited to only one lifetime.

The possibility of linking humans with earlier apes by descent became clear only after 1859 with the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, in which he argued for the idea of the evolution of new species from earlier ones. Darwin's book did not address the question of human evolution, saying only that "Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history."

The first debates about the nature of human evolution arose between Thomas Henry Huxley and Richard Owen. Huxley argued for human evolution from apes by illustrating many of the and differences between humans and apes, and did so particularly in his 1863 book Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. However, many of Darwin's early supporters (such as Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Lyell) did not initially agree that the origin of the mental capacities and the moral sensibilities of humans could be explained by natural selection, though this later changed. Darwin applied the theory of evolution and sexual selection to humans when he published The Descent of Man in 1871.[20]

"Bones of an alligator which was as long as a house and as tall as its ceilings have been found on the banks of the Amazon River in South America. Scientists estimate from the alligator's 1.5 metre skull that it was about 2.5 metres tall, and about 12metres long. Professor Carl Frailey, from Overland Park, Kansas, said the creature probably weighed about 120 tonnes. 'This would make it heavier than Tyrannosaurus rex… the mightiest of dinosaur predators', he said." (The Sunday Mail, Brisbane, November 17, 1991)
The fossil record shows that all terrestrial life has decreased in size. The largest members of the animal kingdom are either becoming extinct, or shrinking as if touched by a magic wand. Mammals were often twice the size of their current counterparts.
There were kangaroos as large as today's hippopotamuses, with skulls a meter long.  Fossil eagles have been found; these birds were 40 feet (13 meters) long and 12 feet (4 meters) high. 
On a Nova Scotia field trip led by Australian John Mackay, a giant fossil slater or wood louse was photographed. This monster has been found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean amongst fossil trees in the coal fields of Nova Scotia and Western Scotland. The fossil was so well preserved that its stomach contents were intact. There is no difficulty in identifying it as a giant member of the wood lice or roly poly family which is still here with us. They used to be nearly 2 meters (6 feet) long. Today they are only about ½ inch (1 centimeter) long.
Traditions drawn from the racial memory of races worldwide state that the very first people on earth were mighty and of immense stature, but that they later degenerated in size and vigour. 
A similar assessment of ancient man was reported in Time magazine: "Taking a fresh look at the… fossils… Weidenreich [of Manhatten's American Museum of Natural History] now believes that 'gigantism and massiveness may have been a general or at least a widespread character of early mankind.' " (Time, July 3, 1944)
The idea of giant men in the past is compatible with enormous artefacts left behind, including buildings.  Around the world, tools of abnormal size have been found, that could not have been handled by men of normal stature. Actual remains, far from isolated, are now common in all parts of the world.

Ancient Roman Giant Found—Oldest Complete Skeleton With Gigantism

From National Geographic , At 6 feet, 8 inches (202 centimeters) tall, the man would have been a giant in third-century A.D. Rome, where men averaged about 5 and a half feet (167 centimeters) tall. By contrast, today's tallest man measures 8 feet, 3 inches (251 centimeters).
The Roman giant, though, was found with no funerary artifacts, study leader Minozzi said. And, she added, his burial was typical of the time, suggesting he was included as part of society.  "We know nothing about the role or presence of giants in the Roman world," she said—other than the fact that the second century A.D. emperor Maximinus Thrax was described in literature as a "human mountain."

Around 3500 BC, an enigmatic civilization called the Agathyr, belonging to the Scythian tribe, built an underground system of tunnels, today known as the Hyperborean Gallery. 
One of the very few pictures of an actual giant skeleton that survived. It has been unearthed in a gold mine at Rosia Montana, Romania — December 13, 1976. It measures 32.8 Feet in height (10 meters). 
Across Romania, plenty more giant skeletons have been found and excavated throughout the last century. In the 1940s, a mass excavation revealed 80 humanoid skeletons that measured approximately 5 meters long (16 feet).
Archaeologists unearthed unique gravestones with a surprising chemical composition: gold, granite and wolfram, unlike the ordinary gravestones made of average composite stone.
But the greatest finding in the underground gallery were the 33 feet-tall (10 meter) humanoid skeletal remains. 

Ancient Giants and the Underground Hyperborean Gallery Unearthed in Romania | Humans Are Free

UFO mania: Ancient Giants and The Underground Hyperborean Gallery Unearthed in Romania

Giant Skeletons in Wisconsin?!

Scientists are remaining stubbornly silent about a lost race of giants found in burial mounds near Lake Delavan, Wisconsin, in May 1912. But the enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls found in May 1912 did not fit very neatly into anyone's concept of a textbook standard. Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls "presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America to-day." 
Over 200 Giant digs have been found in recent years. Giant skeleton finds have not made the local/national news since the 1950's for the most part. It seems in most peoples opinion do to the fear that people would question evolution . If anything a de-evolution. 

On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. One had recently been opened.

"In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. The skull was as large as a half bushel measure. Some finely tempered rods of copper and other relics were lying near the bones."
Giant skulls and skeletons of a race of "Goliaths" have been found on a very regular basis throughout the Midwestern states for more than 100 years. Giants have been found in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and New York, and their burial sites are similar to the well-known mounds of the Mound Builder people.
A giant mystery: 18 strange giant skeletons found in Wisconsin: Sons of god; Men of renown -- Secret History --

In 2002, National Geographic reported a dozen Cyclops skeletons found in Greece that stood 12-15 1/2 Ft tall. That is 3 humans tall. One eye socket. Giants in history are typically cannibalistic in nature. The reason why I am bringing up giants will all tie into politics, and word happenings. Look at a basketball hoop and add 5 feet. That tall. Greek Mythology talks about war with cyclops learning they had to bring down by taking out their legs rendering them slow and helpless. American Giants (Red Hair Giants) where found with egyptian writing on their tombs have been found in multiple locations. 

flying saucer crash
An unidentified flying object crashed on a ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, sometime during the first week of July 1947.  At 11 a.m., July 8, 1947, Lt. Walter Haut, RAAF public information officer, finished a press release Blanchard had ordered him to write, stating that the wreckage of a crashed disk had been recovered.
After an initial spike of interest, the military reported that the crash was merely of a conventional weather balloon.[2] Interest subsequently waned until the late 1970s when ufologists began promulgating a variety of increasingly elaborate conspiracy theories, claiming that one or more alien spacecraft had crash-landed, and that the extraterrestrial occupants had been recovered by the military who then engaged in a cover-up.

Man came from cross-breeding of aliens and apes millions of years ago.
why are apes today are almost exactly like apes a thousand, or from a million years ago, possibly with only slight variations, and live in exactly the same way and environment as their ancient predecessors, yet human progress seems to be steaming ahead. 
 If you look at the way animals evolve, it has little in common with the way man evolves. Animals do adapt to their natural surroundings, for example birds growing beaks, zoo animals adapting to life in the zoo etc. But if you look at human progress, even a short period of time such as 100 years brings remarkable change.
Modern humans have appeared about 1.5 million years ago (Wikipedia, Human Evolution), they were called Homo Habilis. However, Homo Sapiens, or modern man, has only been around since about 250,000 years ago. The article also notes that human DNA is 98.4 similar to chimp DNA. To summarize, the information points out that humans are very similar to monkeys, yet they have distinct characteristics that monkeys don’t have.
 It can be assumed that human origins lie beyond our planet. Basically, humans are a product of aliens from outer space and apes. It  is also suggested the cross breeding of aliens and apes would completely explain the unique traits of humans, which would come from extraterrestrials and human mammalian qualities, which would come from apes. 

Over 500 Scientists Proclaim Their Doubts About Darwin's Theory of Evolution。"We know intuitively that Darwinism can accomplish some things, but not others," added Egnor. "The question is what is that boundary? Does the information content in living things exceed that boundary? Darwinists have never faced those questions. They've never asked scientifically if random mutation and natural selection can generate the information content in living things." 

Over 500 Scientists Proclaim Their Doubts About Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Evolution News & Views

A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism (or Dissent from Darwinism) is a statement issued in 2001 by the Discovery Institute, a conservative Christian think tank based in Seattle, Washington, U.S., best known for its promotion of the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design, updated list in 2016.  It disputes the assertion that Darwin's theory of evolution fully explains the complexity of living things, and dispute that "all known scientific evidence supports [Darwinian] evolution".[2][3]

One of their favorite methods of attacking the credibility of science is to use petitions, a form of science democracy in their minds:
* Creationists use the Discovery Institute’s (an Intelligent design “think tank”) A Scientific Dissent from Darwin to prove to people that scientists disagree with evolution. Except the list contains few biological scientists, it’s mostly made up of engineers (not science) and others with marginal credentials. That being said, about 1000 individuals have signed the petition, or less than 0.03% of the world’s scientists (if we allow that all the signatories are really scientists). If evolution were subject to a vote, the dissenters got demolished.
Science democracy – debunking the strategies of denialism

The creation–evolution controversy (also termed the creation vs. evolution debate or the origins debate) involves a recurring cultural, political, and theological dispute about the origins of the Earth, of humanity, and of other life.  today it is mainly over what constitutes good science education,[8][9]with the politics of creationism primarily focusing on the teaching of creation and evolution in public education.[10][11][12][13][14] Among majority-Christian countries, the debate is most prominent in the United States, and to a lesser extent in Europe and elsewhere,[15] and is often portrayed as part of a culture war.[16] 

The Catholic Church recognizes the existence of evolution. Pope Francis has stated: "God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life...Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve."[19][20] 

In 1968, the United States Supreme Court invalidated a forty-year-old Arkansas statute that prohibited the teaching of evolution in the public schools. A Little Rock, Arkansas, high school biology teacher, Susan Epperson, filed suit charging the law violated the federal constitutional prohibition against establishment of religion as set forth in the Establishment Clause. The Court held that the United States Constitution prohibits a state from requiring, in the words of the majority opinion, "that teaching and learning must be tailored to the principles or prohibitions of any religious sect or dogma."[59] But the Supreme Court decision also suggested that creationism could be taught in addition to evolution.[60]

Daniel v. Waters was a 1975 legal case in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit struck down Tennessee's law regarding the teaching of "equal time" of evolution and creationism in public school science classes because it violated the Establishment Clause. Following this ruling, creationism was stripped of overt biblical references and renamed "Creation Science," and several states passed legislative acts requiring that this be given equal time with the teaching of evolution.

A number of legal cases on evolution v creationism were heard in USA after WWI. On August 1, 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush commented endorsing the teaching of intelligent design alongside evolution "I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught ... so people can understand what the debate is about."[8][92]

Creation–evolution controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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