Thursday 14 January 2016

Questioning the universe, Stephen Hawking- THERE IS NO GOD

Is Heaven just a fairytale ? The science-religion debate has been going on since science was born.  Unlike many religions, science has no final authority.

Despite the claims by Theologians that the existence of a creator is by definition outside science’s domain, Some Physicists said that  The universe arose “from nothing” courtesy of the force of gravity, and the laws of nature are an accident of the particular slice of universe we happen to inhabit.  It is possible to answer these questions purely within the realm of science, and without invoking any divine beings.

Stephen Hawking was in the opinion that Science has a better explanation than the divine  creator. Hawking wrote that if scientists could find the most fundamental laws of nature "then we should know the mind of God".

Best  Regards

Stephen Hawking wrote in his books "The Universe in a Nutshell"  , "A Brief History of Time" 1988 ,   "A Briefer History of Time" 2005 , and "The Grand Design" 2010
which have brought an appreciation of theoretical physics to millions. Stephen Hawking was in the opinion that Science has a better explanation than the divine  creator and  tried to  explain that we do not need God to create the universe.

Stephen Hawking THERE IS NO GOD !! Amazing Documentary - YouTube

Hawking said that the late Pope John Paul II once told scientists they should not study the beginning of the universe because it was the work of God. Hawking considered how the matter of this universe come from. Something has to happen to cause the universe to occur. Albert Einstein - mass and energy are two sides of the same coin.  E= mc2.  He considered the energy came from the Big Bang which created vast energy and negative energy.  The negative energy  was needed to create the universe.  The positive and the negative add up to zero in the universe.   He said that Time itself began at the Big Bang.  A black hole is a star so massive that even light cannot escape its gravity. Just like a clock comes closer to the black hole, it begins to become slower and slower.

Hawking said: "Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation."

He said "Many Kinds of Universes, and None Require God." .  "It is not necessary,” Hawking and Mlodinow write, “to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.”

Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe | TED Talk | › talks › stephen_...
Is God always here  ?

Stanford University theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind, whose 2006 book The Cosmic Landscape also questioned the need for a creator in the account of creation, agrees. It had been noted that the conditions of the Universe are very fine tuned, allowing life.  String theory was then created, but allowed too many solutions. Then Susskind hypothesized that there are multiverses where there are occasional universes where life is indeed possible. He calls this multiverse the "landscape".[1]
“Not all physicists think the quest for a complete theory is over,” he says. “I don’t think we are anywhere near it.” Whether or not there is a God, his or her handiwork is certainly not easy to understand.

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