Tuesday 7 April 2015

穹頂之下 (2) ( March 24 )

On smog, Beijing should still be the number one although Delhi is catching up very fast. 




此 外,那些一直持自由派立場,因維權等這幾年受到打壓的一些人士尤其是其中較年輕者,對現行體制因最近幾年官方的持續打壓和環境的惡化已逐漸持一種徹底的拒 斥態度,任何與官方有關或者是某種合作的事業在他們的眼裡都開始變得可疑,欠缺道義的合法性。如果在這種有關中國發展,涉及社會整體命運的事務上不抱持一 種對體制直言強烈的批判態度,任何作品和個人都是曖昧軟弱甚至是有幫兇之嫌的。
柴片中那些明顯的 自由派思想要素如強調公民社會、市場在治理霧霾上的作用、改革國家權力機構以便公民參與、信息開放的必要等等顯然會讓迷信國家、熱衷中國模式的一些國家主 義者不快。至於時時拿西方國家來作為治理霧霾努力方向、參照系,也一定會讓那些民族主義情緒強烈,充滿盲目的民族自豪感的人們憤怒不已,( 動向雜誌第355期)
The word "smog" was made in the early 20th century as a portmanteauof the words smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog.[1]   a familiar and serious problem in London from the 19th century to the mid 20th century. This kind of smog is caused by the burning of large amounts of coal within a city; this smog contains soot particulates from smokesulfur dioxide and other components.
Modern smog, as found for example in Los Angeles, is a type of air pollution derived from vehicular emission from internal combustion engines and industrial fumes that react in the atmosphere with sunlight to form secondary pollutants . The atmospheric pollution levels of Los Angeles, Beijing, Delhi, Mexico City and other cities are increased by inversion that traps pollution close to the ground. It is usually highly toxic to humans and can cause severe sickness, shortened life or death.

Beijing′s credibility ′on the line′ over China′s environmental crisis | 06.03.2015

"Environment pollution is a blight on people's quality of life and a trouble that weighs on their hearts," Premier Li said on March 5 at the opening of the annual National People's Congress (NPC), the country's communist-controlled legislature, in Beijing. "We must fight it with all our might," he added, but failed to outline new significant measures in his opening speech.
Premier Li's statements follow the release of the documentary Under the Dome by a former CCTV anchor about the impact of Beijing's smog on her child. The film, which criticizes the government's handling of the issue, got hundreds of millions of clicks just a few days after its online release.
Last year, Premier Li had declared "war on air pollution." But one year on, analysts say there are few signs of progress as recently collected data show only little improvement in air quality in China's northern cities. Moreover, nearly 60 percent of the country's underground water is polluted, according to state media.

Re: Forget Beijing - Delhi has the world's filthiest air, by far
Owing to its mass deployment of coal burning plants and the  7.4 million cars that fill its roads, Delhi now proudly stands as the city with the filthiest air in the world, and it’s only getting worse. Many agencies have recently issued health warnings for New Delhi residents, including the most vulnerable such as the elderly and children.

The Presidential Palace enveloped in a blanket of smog, New Delhi, Nov. 3. Credit: Associated Press

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